bless her soul is dead. We’re out of telepaths. And I doubt you know any magic that can rip the secrets out of their blasphemous minds.”
    “We’ll find a way.”
    “Don’t need to. All we need is some sharp tools, and a locked room. I’ll find the answers. Trust me on that one boy.”
    “That’s not how we do things around here.” Amelia spoke as she emerged from the shadows, causing Elson to almost jump out of his skin. “Stand down, Captain.”
    “Ma’am.” He saluted. “Didn’t hear you approach.”
    “Evidently not.” She glanced at Reiner and dismissed his salute. “I understand your desire for justice and answers, Captain but that just won’t do. We’re above such primitive methods.”
    “Ma’am. With respect—” The captain tried but was silenced by Amelia’s raised hand.
    “I’ve heard it before and your objections are noted. Confessions and information extracted through torture are almost useless at best and outright fabrications at worst. They’ll tell you anything they wish you to hear. Just to make the pain stop.” Elson Lewis seemed to balk and shrink away from her determined expression, as she pressed forwards and spoke in a hushed tone. “Taking our frustration and grief out on our prisoners is unacceptable. We’ll not disgrace our order; we are better than this captain. You are better than this Elson.”
    He bowed his head in shame and stepped back. “I’m sorry Commander. I lost a lot of good men and women today. I won’t sully their memory.”
    “I’ll relieve you of your post for now. Get some air. I won’t rest till we’ve gotten to the bottom of this.” She replied, her tone softened but remained firm. “Send in Captain Remus, if she’s available, please.”
    The Captain saluted and walked down the darkened corridor and up the stairs, his shoulders slumped and dejected.
    “I know what you’re thinking.” She turned to face Reiner and the prisoners. “He’s loyal, for now. I’ve checked. He just needs to calm down.”
    “I hope so, Commander. He was right about one thing, we’re out of telepaths.” Reiner replied, his voice hushed so the prisoners couldn’t hear. “I’ve been watching some of them, I think we could get some information from them if we offered them a deal perhaps. The thralls though, no chance.”
    “I suspect you’re correct, Captain. That’s why I’ve requested Laelia to join us.”
    “Before she joined us she spent three years working with the Night Guard, under Interrogator Niklaus Thorn. I believe he’s made Inspector since.”
    “The city guard of Kriegsfeld?” He neglected to mention their role as vampire hunters.
    “The very same. It’s my hope she’s brought some of the skills she learnt under Thorn to us. We’ll have to do this the old fashioned way given the unfortunate death of Lucia.”
    Reiner nodded. It was their best bet and his curiosity piqued. Laelia never mentioned her past in the Night Guard before, she was a very private person.
    Knight-Commander Rhae approached the cell of one of the nearest prisoners and opened the hatch. The worried face of a young man, scrawny and rat-faced jumped and backed away from the cell-door.
    “Relax. Answer our questions honestly and you’ll be well-treated.”
    The man nodded frantically and whimpered about his innocence.
    “You called, Knight-Commander?” Laelia appeared from the corridor and snapped a quick salute. She was tired and exhaustion visible on her face but she managed a smile.
    “I wish to question some of captives with your aid, if you are able.” Amelia replied.
    “Yes Ma’am.”
    “I didn’t know you were in the Night Guard Laelia.” Reiner said. As the Knight-Commander opened the cell and guided the prisoner out.
    The Captain tilted her head and smiled. “You didn’t ask.”
    “I see.”
    She delicately moved Reiner aside and followed Amelia and the bound prisoner to the interrogation room and sat him on a desk. The room was

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