Never Doubt I Love

Never Doubt I Love by Patricia Veryan Page A

Book: Never Doubt I Love by Patricia Veryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Veryan
is. But I doubt he’ll ever speak to any of us again.”
    â€œHe didn’t believe a word of it,” sighed Morris.
    â€œNot a word,” agreed Furlong. “Jupiter! If one of our closest friends don’t believe us, how can we wonder nobody else does?”

    Zoe awoke to find the bed curtains drawn back and sunlight flooding in at the windows. Delicious breakfast smells filled the room, and a tall maidservant had spread a snowy tablecloth over the little round table and was setting out plates and cutlery, and some covered dishes.
    Zoe blinked at her sleepily for an uncomprehending moment, then sprang up in alarm. “Gorton! Oh, my! Whatever o’clock is it? Should I be downstairs?”
    â€œâ€™Tis half-past eight, Miss. Both of their la’ships take breakfast in bed, so you wasn’t expected in the breakfast room. Since ’tis such a nace day, Ay thought you might like to sit here, where you can see the garden.” Gorton poured hot water into the washbowl and added politely, “Ay trust you slept well?”
    Hurrying through her toilette Zoe declared she had slept very well. “Which I did not expect to do, since London is so very noisy.”
    Gorton helped her into her dressing gown and assured her she would soon get used to city sounds, and that this was actually a very quiet neighbourhood. Pulling out a chair at the table, she waited until Zoe was seated, then said, “Perhaps you could tell me which morning dress you wish to wear.”
    Beyond noting that the two presses were full of garments, Zoe had been too downcast last evening to pay much heed to them. Now, beaming at two eggs, some succulent-looking slices of ham, and three steaming hot scones, she discovered another treasure—a little covered pot full of strawberry jam. With a squeak of delight, she took up her knife and answered, “I shall leave that decision to you.”
    Gorton opened the press and selected a gown of pale green taffeta. “May Ay enquire if you find the bedchamber to your liking?”
    â€œOh, very much so,” said Zoe, spreading jam on a scone. “In fact, I am rather surprised, Elsie—yes, I shall call you that whilst we are private, for Gorton sounds so … unfriendly.”
    Slanting a quick glance at her, Gorton saw wistfulness in the expressive features, and felt a pang of sympathy. But Zoe’s shoulders pulled back almost immediately and she went on brightly, “What I had expected, you see, was quite a small room, since I am really here only to serve as companion to Lady Julia.” She threw a quick glance around the large and comfortably furnished chamber. “This room is much bigger than my own at Travisford. Is it, perhaps, a temporary arrangement?”
    â€œNot that Ay am aware of, Miss. There is a plain white chemise, if you prefer, but Ay think this one with the green frill about the sleeves is nace.”
    â€œYes. Lovely. From what I could tell last evening, the ladies’ suites are at opposite ends of this floor—no?”
    â€œYes, Miss. Lady Clara not much caring for Lady Julia’s creatures, if Ay am not too bold.”
    Zoe, who had dined with Lady Buttershaw in a large breakfast parlour, and gone early to bed, had not yet set foot in Lady Julia’s apartments. She said, “Not at all bold. But here I am, in this fine big room, miles from either of their ladyships. Does that not seem odd to you?”
    Gorton hesitated, then lied, “Nothing their la’ships do—er, does … seems—er, odd to me, Miss Grainger.”
    â€œOh dear,’ thought Zoe. ‘She likely dares not say, poor thing. And ’tis naughty of me to question the servants. But—who else am I to talk to? And I am, after all, no more than a servant myself.’
    Starting on the second egg, she asked, “How many—er, creatures, does Lady Julia keep?”
    â€œSix, Miss.”

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