New Beginnings

New Beginnings by Cheryl Douglas

Book: New Beginnings by Cheryl Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Douglas
triggered a flood of memories.
    They had spent so many years together, laughing, loving, having fun, until it all fell apart.
    He frowned. “Hey, what are you thinkin’ about?”
    “Nothing. Let’s get down to work, Trey.” She grabbed the leather book and slipped behind the safe barrier of his desk.
    “Sure, whatever you say.” He took a chair across from her and propped his booted feet up on the opposite end of the desk. “Bring that book over here; I wanna see what you’ve got.”
    She considered her options: continue to live in denial or acknowledge the truth. She came around the desk and sat on the chair beside him, passing him the book. “Okay, but don’t expect too much. I just thought it might help to get the juices flowing.”
    He chuckled, stroking his chin as he leered at her. “Baby, I’m willin’ to bet your juices are already flowing.”
    “Shut up.” She thrust the book at him, catching him in the gut with the rounded edge.
    His smile fell as he turned the first page. “Shit, I think I’m going to need a drink to get through this.”
    She drew a deep breath. “Don’t even think about it. We had a deal, remember?”
    He leaned forward, bending over the book. “This is amazing, Sierra. Wow.” He whistled under his breath.
    She watched him rake a hand over his hair, a gesture she knew he only resorted to when he was feeling unsettled. “If it’s too much, we can...”
    “No.” He took the sheet music out of the book and walked toward the piano.
    She watched him settle in behind the baby grand piano, taken with the striking vision. The instrument was positioned in front of a wall of windows that took advantage of the westerly views of the magnificent gardens and rolling hills that seemed to stretch for miles beyond the panes of glass. The sunlight shone through, making his black hair reflect a shade of blue that mirrored his eyes.
    She held her breath as she waited for his skilled fingers to caress the keys, knowing it would be sweet torture to listen to him sing her words back to her. She had written the song only days after she left him, when she was still raw, agonizing over the state of her life.
    She listened, enraptured, his velvet voice wrapping around her like a heavy cloak.
    Some said our love would never last, I guess they were right.
    ‘Cause no matter how much I love you, I can’t continue this fight.
    I’m losing myself in all this sadness and despair,
    Not able to recognize who I am and too tired to care.
    You’re never here, I’m always alone,
    I long to hear your voice when I pick up that phone.
    I dial, then hang up, too afraid to say hello.
    I can’t find the courage to ask when you’ll be home.
    Are you there with someone else, sharing your dreams?
    I hate to admit that’s how it seems.
    I still ache to feel your touch, your arms around me,
    But I lay here alone, that’s not how it was supposed to be.
    You promised to love me a day after forever
    Yet here we are, always apart, never together.
    How can we go on, living this lie?
    It’s time to admit the truth; it’s time to say good-bye.
    You were my first love, my life, for so many years
    You were my saviour, my hero, the one who dried my tears.
    How can I go on and live my life without you?
    Yet, I know that’s my only choice, what I have to do.
    Don’t try to convince me or beg me to stay,
    ‘Cause I’m not strong enough to stay another day.
    I’ll never regret a moment we’ve shared,
    I can’t even regret the soul I bared.
    You gave me the strength to face my fear,
    And you forced me to look in the mirror.
    It’s because of that strength I can walk away,
    Because of that strength, one day, I’ll be okay.
    Trey dipped his head on the last note, struggling to find a voice that had never failed him. It felt like someone was grinding broken glass into his chest, piercing his heart. When she walked out on him, he was blinded with

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