Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby)

Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby) by Cristina Grenier

Book: Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby) by Cristina Grenier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cristina Grenier
doing, bastard. You tell me that you’re too mad to talk to me and you need some space so you’re going home. But where do I find you? Here at this bitch’s house—why?!” Ashley stopped long enough to face Adrian waiting for a response.
    Adrian stood speechless trying to figure out what to address first: How to answer Ashley’s question? How did all of this look to her? How did she know where Lila and her parents lived? Did she really just take a tire iron to his car? Could this night get any fucking worse?
    “Adrian, what the fuck are you doing here?!” Ashley shouted in frustration at his silence. “You know what, fuck you and fuck that bitch! Here I am worried about you and hoping you made it home safe and wasn’t holding my past against me, because that’s all Eric was to me. But come to find out you holding on to your past and allowing her to fuck up what we got. So you stay your ass here—I don’t want to talk to you; I need my space, asshole!”
    As Ashley prepared to storm off she noticed Lila with a small smirk on her face, which made Ashley lose it. She threw the tire iron with all her might toward Lila, luckily missing her but instead crashing it into the window of the front door. Lila lay on the ground from trying to avoid the tire iron, evidently shaken.
    “Smirk about that, bitch—I’m not the one to fuck with!” Ashley said as she stormed to her car and hauled off heading home. It crossed her mind that the cops might be on their way and that she may even be in jail before sunrise, but she really didn’t care right now. She felt somewhat free after letting out her hurt and anger, but it was when she pulled up to her place 15 minutes later that she realized that her relationship was over with Adrian. She was back to the single life that seemed to always chase after her and her happiness whenever she was coupled up with someone. She headed to her front door, and as soon as she stepped inside and kicked off her shoes her doorbell rang. She slowly looked through her peephole; she unlocked the door and opened it letting Eric inside. Without either of them saying a word, Eric followed Ashley to the bedroom as she started pulling off her cocktail dress—a dress that she planned to never wear again after this horrible night.
    Ashley woke up Sunday morning in a panic. She was hoping everything had been a dream, but she realized that it had not been. That was evident when she looked over and saw Eric laying next to her in the bed naked.
    “What the fuck have I done?” she said aloud not caring if he heard her or not. Even if things were over with her and Adrian, she wasn’t trying to get caught back up with Eric, especially now knowing he, too, was fucking around with Lila. As she sat there longer staring at him, she thought back to last night and how everything evolved from the moment she let Eric into her home. Damn, now this fucker knows where I live, she thought to herself as she shook her head, angry at herself for letting her guard down with him. It was her own fault though because of her need to have someone—anyone—there with her last night. She started undressing in an attempt to seduce Eric on the spot, leading him to her bedroom. As soon as they made it to her room Eric grabbed her from the back with his hands grabbing her breasts still covered in her black lace bra. He started kissing her on the neck using one of his hands to push her face to the side so he could forcefully stick his tongue in her mouth. That reminded Ashley of how much of a sloppy kisser he had always been. Still, things remained the same after all this time, but everything else he was skilled at did make up for that. Eric stopped kissing her long enough to unfasten her bra from the back and then pull her straps down until the bra fell to the floor. He again grabbed her breasts and went back to kissing her as he played with her breasts until he could feel her nipples hardening under his fingers. As he continued

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