No Strings Attached

No Strings Attached by Hilary Storm

Book: No Strings Attached by Hilary Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilary Storm
hit the room, she begins to scurry around for the shower.  I stand still and watch her scattered thoughts leave her almost ridiculously giddy about leaving soon. 
    The sound of the water again reminds me just how close, yet so far away she really is.  I could go into the bathroom and push my way into the shower with her.  That's exactly what I want to do, but that wouldn't be fair to her.  She needs to be able to step out of our circle and have a good time with other guys.  It's just not supposed to suck this bad for me. 
    She turns off the water and I hope she makes another appearance like she did before, but she doesn't.  She comes out of the bathroom fully dressed, but to my satisfaction she's wearing a hoodie and sweat pants.  This isn't screaming sexy and I'm happy to see that it’s how she'll be going to Garrett.
    "Just text me when you guys are about an hour from location tomorrow.  I'll watch for you and try to get as much of the small stuff out of the way during the day." 
    "I will, but I'm texting you through the night to make sure you make it okay."
    "You don't have to.  I'll be with their whole crew."
    "Exactly why I'll be checking on you."
    "Don't start, Luke."  She seems irritated as she checks her phone for the message that just came through.
    "They're here.  I guess I'll see you tomorrow."  I move to open the door for her and watch her walk out of my room.  The instant regret of not trying to stop her fucks me over the rest of the night.  Choosing not to leave my hotel room is easy.  Dealing with the shit going through my head, not so much.
    The next day goes by slow as hell.  Aiden and a couple of the other guys attempt to brighten my mood with no success.  I know I suck to be around, but I really don't give a shit what anyone thinks about me right now.  I haven't texted her, trying to give her the privacy she deserves.  She should've checked in, but she hasn't.  We're almost two hours from location, so I'm trying to hold out until we're closer to text her.
    This shit shouldn't be irritating me so hard, but it is. 
    Damn it.

    Chapter Ten
    He made himself clear.  I'm going to enjoy myself with Garrett and the guys.  I know this can be a great trip if I let it be. 
    He's standing outside the bus when I walk out.  His greeting doesn't surprise me this time—I could get used to his kisses and show of affection.  He's a great kisser, not as good as Luke, but none the less he's great at it.  The other guys start to yell obscenities at us, and he pauses to look me in the eye before he turns to nail their asses.  His efforts only gain laughter, but it doesn't seem to faze him in the least.
    "Did you dress up for me?"
    "You like it?" 
    "You can wear whatever you want with me.  I'll just try to get you out of it anyway."  He's always the flirt.  It feels nice to be wanted like this.  He's never hidden his attraction to me, sometimes coming across as an egotistical ass when making his comments. 
    "Very funny."
    "Honey.  I'm not joking."  I know he's not joking, so I start to step toward the bus to face these grown men that are sure to act like idiots when I open this door.
    To my surprise, they don't harass me.  They invite me for a shot and make a place for me at the table to play quarters.  I've never been great at this game, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
    "Ladies first!"  Garrett sits down beside me just as the bus begins to roll.  A few rounds go by, and so far, I'm not doing too bad.  I spread the shots around to each guy when I make the glass, but it isn't long before they all begin to zone in on me.  I know it's not a great idea to get trashed in a bus full of guys, no matter how well I know them, so I pull from the game. 
    "I'm out."
    "What?  I knew you couldn't hang."  Grayson seems to be leading the bash Lilly campaign tonight.  I'm sure it's all out of fun, but I can see this quickly turning into a nightmare if I keep this

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