No Way Out

No Way Out by David Kessler

Book: No Way Out by David Kessler Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Kessler
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    The chickens are coming home to roost for a Judas who betrayed his people for thirty pieces of silver. Elias Claymore, who once stood for the rights of his oppressed brothers now stands exposed as a hypocrite who places self-indulgence above any cause. This perennial campaigner, who keeps re-inventing himself whenever it suits him, has now run out of ideas and has finally reverted to type as a self-indulgent narcissist and egomaniac. Having turned against his own kind and sold his soul to the devil, he has now compounded his crime by bringing his brothers into disrepute.
    When Claymore was a respectable figure of the Middle Class establishment, he was held up by conservatives as an exception to the rule, the black man who worked within the system and succeeded. This was in stark contrast to us “deadbeat” blacks who would never amount to much because we didn’t play by the white man’s rules. The rest of us only had ourselves to blame for our miserable plight because we were lazy and refused to abide by the rules and make use the system. But now that he has been exposed for what he really is, he will be held up as a typical example of the black everyman and the old stereotype of the black male, sex-driven monster will be resurrected yet again.
    “Okay. That’s what we’re up against!”
    “And you think…”
    She stopped. There was no easy way to brush off an appeal to the fighting spirit within her. Bullying hadn’t worked, but this was quiet persuasion.
    “Well what do you say?”
    “I say…” She hesitated again., wondering if Alex could see the civil war raging within her.
    Alex and Sherman looked at Andi, as if inviting her final answer. Ignoring Sherman, she stared back at Alex for a few seconds, breathing heavily as the stress of the argument slowly melted away. Then – not trusting her voice – she nodded her head in reluctant truce rather than surrender. He smiled gently as if accepting it with good grace.
    “Okay,” said Sherman. “I’ll go now and leave you to start working.”
    And with that, Sherman packed his papers into his attaché case and left.

Friday, 12 June 2009 – 18:10
    “The case took a dramatic turn today when it was revealed that Andromeda Phoenix – a civil litigator with Los Angeles law firm Levine and Webster – is to serve as co-counsel together with Alex Sedaka.”
    Martine Yin’s voice was coming from the television window in the web browser on a computer.
    “Ms Phoenix is in a relationship with a woman called Eugenia Vance, who works at the Say no to Violence Rape Crisis Center. In order to protect Elias Claymore’s right to the counsel of his choice, the court issued an injunction against Ms Vance having any contact with the alleged victim.”
    Standing outside the courthouse, Martine was wearing her snooker vest, speaking to the camera in a dry, clipped tone. She wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to depart from her trademark blue jacket, but she had worn the snooker vest a couple of times before and on both occasions had got a positive response in her mailbag. And she had a particular reason for wanting to emphasize her figure today. The network had been talking about putting her behind a desk in the studio and were evidently getting some funny ideas about parachuting in some ambitious spring chicken to fill her slot.
    “Ms Phoenix’s participation was opposed by the prosecution. But after a long sidebar, the prosecution’s motion was denied. The DA’s office declined to say afterwards whether they would file an interim appeal.”
    A woman’s hand reached out and clicked on the button to pause the news report. Then she returned her attention to the computer in front of her. With a click of a button she launched an E-mail package and started preparing a message to [email protected]”.
    This would put the fear of God into the bitch.

Friday, 12 June 2009 – 19:45
    “So how did

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