North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost

North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet

Book: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlie Cochet
remain awake, but Jack needed him.
    “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Jack said, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what’s gotten into me. This whole mess has me on edge.” His worried gaze went to Rudy, and for the first time since Rudy had awoken, he saw his Jack, his handsome, wonderful Jack. “I have to go.”
    “Wait,” Rudy called out, his grip on Jack’s sleeve feeble at best. To his relief, Jack stopped. He could see the turmoil within him, could see the way Jack’s hand instinctively went to his chest, his fist resting over his heart as he winced. It was happening all too quickly. Rudy’s worst fear was happening before his very eyes, and there was nothing he could do.
    No, he refused to believe that. He tugged at Jack’s sleeve, his voice soft. “Jack, kiss me before you go? That’s all I ask.”
    Jack stood there for so long, Rudy feared he might walk off without a word. Then something inside him must have given way, and Jack returned to his bedside, sitting beside him. Rudy put his hands to Jack’s face, thumbs caressing his stubbly cheeks, and he met his lover’s eyes.
    “I love you, Jack. Please remember that.”
    Jack swallowed hard, his intense black eyes searching Rudy’s, though for what Rudy had no clue. For truth in his words? Had it come that far already? Not giving it another thought, he gently pulled Jack down to place his lips against his lover’s, his tongue softly probing until Jack finally gave in and opened his mouth, allowing Rudy’s tongue to slip inside. Rudy deepened the kiss, warmth spreading through his body when he felt Jack lean into him, his arm coming around Rudy’s shoulder so he could pull Rudy close against him. It was painful, almost crushing, but Rudy refused to make a sound, afraid it would shatter the delicate moment. He would give anything to keep Jack from the frightful abyss he was hurtling toward.
    Jack pulled back, a shuddering breath escaping him as he let his head rest against Rudy’s. “I love you,” he whispered. “Whatever happens, remember I love you.”
    “Rest now.”
    A lump formed in Rudy’s throat as he watched Jack walk out of their room. Once he was gone, Rudy wiped at his eyes and turned to his most trusted friends. “He has to stop this.”
    “Stop what?” Noel asked as he followed Tim onto the bed. The two climbed up and sat beside him, Tim’s smaller hand taking hold of Rudy’s and making him smile. The comfort only lasted until he thought of Jack.
    “If he keeps this up, his heart….” Rudy closed his eyes and took a deep breath, unable to believe the day he had feared most was finally upon him.
    “What is it?” Tim asked softly.
    “Jack isn’t feared for who he is, rather what’s inside him. I’ve known Jack all my life. When he was a boy, he was sweet and playful, full of wonder and mischief. His father raised him to be a good soldier, strong, and fearless, but it was his mother, the Frost Queen, who taught him gentleness, mercy, and love. When the Frost War broke out, we were in the middle of our studies at Clause College.”
    “What happened?” Tim asked quietly, lying down beside Rudy, Noel snuggling up to Tim behind him, an arm wrapped tightly around him.
    Rudy could remember the day clearly. The day everything changed. “The war claimed the Frost Queen as its first casualty.”
    Tim gasped. “That’s terrible.”
    “I was there when it happened. Quite frankly, I don’t know how I survived it. We’d been ice-skating on the lake when one of the Frost King’s toy soldiers came to inform Jack of the tragedy. I remember being very worried for him. We were close friends, but at the time, my secret crush on him was still very much a secret. After receiving the news, I watched Jack go so very still. I was going to approach him, attempt to offer what comfort I could, when suddenly, there was this arctic blast.
    “I’d thrown myself to the ground, convinced I was in my final

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