Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution

Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution by Ray Comfort

Book: Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution by Ray Comfort Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Comfort
Tags: Chrisitian
God’s children. The Biblesays we are the devil’s children. Satan is the god of this world and it is his will we do (see 2 Corinthians 4:4). We are enemies of God, rebels, who hate Him without cause. We are unthankful for His kindness and our hearts are deceitfully wicked (see Jeremiah 17:9). The Bible says we drink evil like water, and we are not God’s children until we repent and trust the Savior. The moment we do that, we are born into His family and have the privilege of calling Him “Father.”
    The second fallacy is the phrase “failed to trust in Jesus.” If a man jumps out of a plane and falls ten thousand feet to his death because he neglects to put on a parachute, he dies primarily because the force of gravity exerted weight upon the mass of his body. Had he put on a parachute he could have been saved from its unforgiving consequences, but again, he dies because by his own choice he caused the force of gravity to exert weight upon his body and spread him on the ground. The straw man argument is that it is unfair of God to punish someone for not doing something. However, “sin” according to the Bible is not a failure to trust Jesus, but “transgression of God’s Law”—the Ten Commandments (see 1 John 3:4). Those who have the sense to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” will be saved from violation of God’s Law.
    The third wording is also based on a lack of understanding. The straw man argument goes, “Would you torture them eternally or just forgive them?” When God’s Law is left out of the equation, justice makes no sense. However, the Moral Law is eternal, absolute, and perfect. Think for a moment how tenacious we are when civil law is violated. A man rapes and kills three women, is tried, and is given the death sentence. He escapes. What does the law do? It spends millions of dollars to bring him to justice. Why? It doesn’t bring the women back. Why doesn’t the law simply forgive him? Because justice must be done.
    Every human being has violated God’s Law a multitude of times. We are unthankful and self-righteous. We lie, steal, and burn with lust. We are naturally selfish, hateful, and blasphemous fornicators. The Bible says that our eyes are “full of adultery,” and that we are “filthy dreamers.” We are more than worthy of the death sentence and damnation. So why doesn’t God simply forgive us? Because justice must be done. If sinful man goes to great lengths to see that justice is done, how much more will a perfect and holy God make sure that every murderer, rapist, thief, and liar gets what is due to him? Hell is God’s prison and those that go there will go there for life. There is no way out…not a hope in Hell.
    Yet God (in His great mercy) has made a way for us to be freely forgiven for our wickedness. He became a Man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth and suffered and died on the cross. God’s wrath came down on Him so that it wouldn’t have to come down on us. He defeated death through the Resurrection and opened the door of everlasting life to all who would repent and trust in Him.
    Is God’s Law “impossible” to keep? It is for guilty sinners. How can we “keep” a Law we have already violated? However, we “keep” the Law when we trust in Jesus. Its demands were satisfied in Christ. It is appeased because our fine was paid by the Savior. That means that God can legally dismiss our case and commute our death sentence. We are at peace with the Law.
    The fourth and final straw man that broke the camel’s back also comes from a lack of understanding: It is “I love you and I understand your lack of faith.” A judge may love a criminal but he cannot allow his love to interfere with justice. He must do that which is right despite his feelings for a criminal. Our straw man maker wants to cling to his belief that sin is simply a lack of faith and that he shouldn’t be punished for not being able to believesomething. However there are times in Scripture when

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