Officer on Duty (Lock and Key Book 4)

Officer on Duty (Lock and Key Book 4) by Ranae Rose Page B

Book: Officer on Duty (Lock and Key Book 4) by Ranae Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ranae Rose
laughed. “Seriously.”
    “It’s not too bad.”
    Not too bad to stop this , his expression said.
    She touched his good leg, letting her fingertips brush his thigh.
    His muscle was firm and taut beneath his jeans. And when she finally let her gaze drop, she saw that his cock was too.
    She sucked in a breath, undermining her attempt at steady breathing. The shaft of it was hard and thick beneath the denim, the outline clear as day. Her lust avalanched through her mind, cooling all other emotions. In that moment, all she wanted was him.
    He seized the hand she’d laid on his thigh and squeezed it. “I’ll be damned if I know why you look surprised.”
    He dropped his gaze to his lap, and her inner muscles drew tight again.
    “You’ve gotta know how beautiful you are. I’d have to be a dead man not to be hard after a kiss like that.”
    There was a teasing note in his voice, but heat burnt high across the bridge of her nose and over her cheeks anyway.
    “I’m not surprised. Just impressed.”
    One corner of his mouth twisted, hinting at a smile. “That makes two of us, then.”
    He hadn’t seen anything yet. But the fact that the kiss had been good for him too made her want to squirm on the edge of her seat.
    Instead, she ran her hand slowly up his thigh, stopping when her fingertips touched the hard line of his dick. It was rigid and warm, trapped beneath his jeans. Just touching him there sent a wave of shuddering excitement tearing through her.
    He groaned like she’d done much more – touched him skin-to-skin, wrapped her hand around him.
    She wanted to. Wanted to do those things, and not stop there. Desire – the sheer force of her attraction to him – had her in its grip.

    Jeremy shifted in his seat. Just a little, but because Lucia was watching his face, she saw the twinge of pain that crossed it when his foot dragged across the linoleum.
    “Is there somewhere you’d be more comfortable?” she asked, deliberately letting her hand rest over the bulge in his jeans.
    When he was silent, she applied friction against it with her palm.
    He sighed and looked away, his gaze cutting toward the hall. “I can’t think of anywhere I’d be more comfortable than in bed with you.”
    Her heart faltered and skipped as she stood. “Sounds perfect.”
    He stood too, bracing himself with a hand against the table top. She knew he had to be in pain, but he maintained an impressive poker face as he led the way to his room, limping only slightly.
    Once there, he placed one hand on her hip and the other in her hair again, kissing her like he had in the kitchen. Afterward, her head was spinning so quickly she was barely able to take in the white walls, plain dresser and full sized bed.
    There was little in the way of decoration but the room was neat and clean, with an alarm clock perched within easy reach on a nightstand. An ironing board was set up next to the closet, a black uniform draped over it.
    The sight conjured up memories of him coming to her door after his shift. God, what she wouldn’t give to get her hands on him while in uniform.
    Not that he wasn’t devastatingly irresistible now, in jeans and a t-shirt.
    He still had a hand in her hair, and he tightened his hold, pulling gently on a thick handful of curls and making her scalp tingle.
    “You should probably sit down,” she managed to say, side-eyeing the bed.
    He guided her down onto it and they picked up where they’d left off, with mouths crushed together.
    He made an art of leaving her breathless. How he was unattached was beyond her, but she wasn’t complaining.
    Eventually, she stilled her whirling mind enough to concentrate on taking things farther, touching more of him. Sliding a hand up his thigh, she palmed the hard length of his erection, just like she had in the kitchen.
    This time, she unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans.
    He sighed and pulled her closer as she finally touched her fingertips to all that hardness.
    He was hot

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