On The Run

On The Run by Iris Johansen

Book: On The Run by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
look like one.”
    “I’m a cowboy in training,” Dillon said. “Maybe you can give me a few pointers.”
    “Maybe.” She looked doubtful. “But I don’t know much about cows. Charlie didn’t like cattle. Only horses. Are there any cows, Jake?”
    “Not that I know about. We’ll have to find out together.” He grabbed one of the duffels. “But that will only make it more of an adventure.” He looked at Grace. “Okay, so far?”
    “We’ll see once we get to this ranch. How do we get there?”
    “We drive to a private airport outside Birmingham and board a jet to Jackson Hole. We take a rental car to the ranch from there.”
    “No trail?” she asked.
    “No trail,” Kilmer said. “You know me better than that.”
    “I knew you nine years ago.”
    “I haven’t changed.” He met and held her gaze. “Not about the important things.”
    With an effort she pulled her gaze away from his.
    He turned back to Frankie. “Go on down to the car with Dillon, Frankie. We’ll do the usual check of the drawers and closets and be right behind you.”
    She looked at Grace. “Okay?”
    Grace nodded and Frankie took her overnight case from Dillon. “I’ll carry this one. . . .”
    Grace picked up her jacket from the couch as Frankie left. “Talk to me. How safe is this place?”
    “As safe as I can make it. I’m bringing most of the team to the ranch to protect the two of you. I’ve buried the paperwork; except for the horses, the ranch is self-sufficient, so there won’t be any locals around.”
    “Why a ranch?”
    “I told you I’d make Frankie as comfortable as possible.”
    Her gaze narrowed on his face. “But there’s something else, isn’t there?”
    His lips turned up at the corners. “You know me too well.”
    She stiffened. “My God, you’re actually going to try for the Pair.”
    “Not while it will impact you.”
    “You’re crazy. You lost three men at El Tariq nine years ago. Isn’t that enough?”
    “Too many. Even one would have been too many. That’s why I won’t give up. They were my men and I didn’t get them out in time. You did get out but you’ve spent years hiding from the bastard, afraid to have a normal life. Any minute he could show up and take everything you’ve built away from you. Including your life, Frankie’s life. I’m not going to have that threat hanging over you any longer.” He paused. “I’m not going to let Marvot sit fat and sassy running his little empire. He’s going to lose everything and then I’m going to kill him. And I’m going to start with the Pair.” The last words were spoken without expression but with absolute conviction.
    Marvot dead. A surge of fierce satisfaction exploded through her at the thought.
    “You still hate the son of a bitch.” Kilmer was studying her expression. “I remember at the time you couldn’t decide who you wanted to kill more. Me or Marvot.”
    “Marvot. By a hair. He killed my father, but you kept me from saving him.”
    “And I’d do it again. How did you manage to keep yourself from going after Marvot all these years?”
    “Frankie.” She tried to suppress the emotional turmoil that anger against Marvot had ignited. Nothing had changed. The reason she had run and hidden and let Marvot go his way was still present and valid. “I’m out of it. I won’t help you.”
    His brows lifted. “Who asked you?”
    “I’m not Crane. I don’t want your help.” He gestured for her to precede him. “I just want the two of you safe. I’ve taken care of business quite well without you all my life, Grace. The Pair will be no different.”
    “Good.” She passed him and walked toward the elevator. “Because the moment I see any sign of you going after the Pair while Frankie is at that ranch will be the moment we’re gone.”
    R obert!” Frankie jumped out of the car and ran across the tarmac to where Robert Blockman stood beside the hangar. She hugged him boisterously.

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