Once Burned (Task Force Eagle)

Once Burned (Task Force Eagle) by Susan Vaughan Page A

Book: Once Burned (Task Force Eagle) by Susan Vaughan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Vaughan
the gray day.
    Yesterday Robichaud had phoned that Jake’s credentials
had cleared him of suspicion. The state fire marshal’s office would get a copy
of the entire Cameron file to him as soon as someone could make copies. Most of
it was paper, not digital. Then, strangely, Robichaud had called back later to
ask Jake to meet him today at the Tyson place. Odd place to meet to hand over
the report.
    “Robichaud,” Jake said by way of greeting.
    “Thanks for coming.” The investigator bent to cross
beneath the tape. The two shook hands. “Got that report for you, but I want to
show you something in the barn.”
    “Good. So that was the point of origin?”
    “The barn, yes. Black smoke and some of the burn looks
like gasoline, but there are some anomalies. We put a rush on the tests.”
    Their shoes swished through the grass and crunched on
cinders as they crossed the lawn. They picked their way around fallen beams
into the remnants of the attached barn. The fresh scent of rain mingled with
the ashes and chemicals in a morbid stew.
    “At first it looked like Tyson tripped over the gas
can and got knocked out as the fire started,” Robichaud said.
    Like the Cameron fire. The conclusion in Tyson’s
report. It’d be interesting if what was left in this barn matched that
    The other man indicated the corner where a charred
lawn tractor stood. Black greasy smears leaped high on the two walls and across
the floor.
    “I hear a but ?” Jake said. He grasped the
problem but wanted the other man’s take.
    The investigator nodded. “There were two gas cans, two
different brands, sizes. And you see the size of the flash.”
    “More like an explosion than a fire spreading
gradually from spilled gasoline.” Jake’s scalp began to prickle. He’d seen that
particular kind of explosion before. That particular kind of flash pattern. “What
did your GC tests tell you?”
    Robichaud scratched his head. “Don’t get much in the
way of sophistication with arson in these parts. Folks use gasoline or some
other accelerant easily purchased in hardware stores. Most arson is for
insurance or to cover some other crime.”
    “I suspect this one’s related to another crime.” Jake
would press the issue, but it looked like the investigator needed to do this in
his own time.
    “Remains to be seen. Fire seems to have been set with
matches and gasoline. Maybe one can was Tyson’s and the arsonist brought
another. But then he wanted to trigger a big bang. Lab did more than one gas
chromatography test. Came up with cyclonite.”
    Better known as C-4.

    Chapter 8
    Nora taped a gauze pad on Lani’s left palm. “You can
probably go without bandages after today. Your scrapes have nearly healed.”
    Lani smiled warmly. Nora’s patio was the perfect spot
on a sunny morning. “Great. I don’t mind not being able to do dishes but the
pile’s attracting flies.”
    “No dishwasher? Heck, I’d buy paper plates. No washing
dishes for this gal if I had injured hands. Not my fave chore in any case.”
    Lani knocked the back of her other hand on her
forehead. “Well, duh. Not very eco-friendly but temporary. I’ll add them to my
shopping list.”
    “Speaking of shopping, I need a new dress and maybe so
will you. Kevin’s dad and his campaign manager arranged a big fundraiser for
him at the Blueberry Head Resort the Saturday after the Fourth. You and Jake
can come together.” As Nora shaded her eyes from the sun, her wide grin showed
her dimples.
    Lani had no interest in furthering Kevin’s political
ambitions but she’d attend. For Nora. She’d donate a minimum. “I’ll be up for
shopping as soon as my hands heal a bit more.”
    She lifted her face from the Meaghers’ faux-glass
patio table to the clear blue sky. A breeze had blown the rain clouds out to
sea. Sunlight danced off the water in the swimming pool and the remaining
puddles on the flagstones around it. Gary and Sam splashed each other

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