A Hero to Dance With Me

A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland

Book: A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marteeka Karland
Tags: Romance
because she was pregnant with his child, but because they both wanted to be. And they’d get married at Jezelle’s pleasure. If she was content to wait, then so was he. Looking at the mirroring smiles on his woman’s face and his mother’s…yeah. All was right with his world.
    Getting the marriage license was simple enough. Steve was glad to get it out of the way early. He had the sneaking suspicion his little wildcat was going to change her mind. Not about the getting married part, but about the after the baby was born part. Whenever they talked about the big day, she’d get a “look” on her face and always rub her belly as if soothing the child. In fact, Steve was certain she was soothing herself. If she changed her mind and wanted to wed him before their child was born, he was all for it. He wasn’t going to suggest it, however. He didn’t want her to think he was pushing her into it because of the baby. It really made no difference to him because she was marrying him one way or another. She was his.
    For now, he wanted her to focus on herself and the baby. The little bugger still hadn’t spread his legs to determine his sex, but Steve was sure it was a boy. Though he already loved the child, the thought of having a girl gave him hives. Not because of the endless tea parties or her painting his toenails when he wasn’t looking. He’d have to kill any little boy who looked at her. Somehow, he was sure neither Elle nor his mother would approve of him torturing kindergarteners.
    His ringing cell pulled him out of his musings. A surge of satisfaction rolled through him when he saw Jezelle’s smiling face on the screen, indicating she was the caller. Yeah, she loved him.
    “Hi, ba--”
    “Where the fuck are you?” Uh oh. Jezelle never swore like that unless in a really really foul mood.
    Racking his brain, trying to remember if he was supposed to be someplace important he answered, “Where should I be?”
    “At the fucking hospital!” Her voice was nearly a screech now, as she gave a sharp cry. Was she...in labor? No. It was too early. She still had four weeks to go according to the doctor.
    He heard a nurse in the background. “Just take a few deep breaths, Ms. Temple. The sooner you’re able to get control of the pain, the sooner we can give you the epidural.”
    Holy Christ! She was in labor!
    “Here,” Jezelle’s voice again. “Tell him what’s going on. All I know is the asshole should be here now!”
    “Is this Mr. Carver?” The female voice was calm, even cheerful sounding.
    “What’s going on? Is Jezelle all right? The baby?”
    “Everything is fine, Mr. Carver.”
    In the background he heard Elle scream, “No it’s not! There’s a little alien about to burst through my bellybutton and splatter my insides all over the fucking room! I want morphine! ”
    Steve swallowed. This was it. This was really it. “Isn’t she too early?”
    “She’s at thirty-six weeks. Though we generally like to get them a little farther along, she’s technically full term. We’re not expecting any trouble.” There was a hesitation in the nurse’s voice. “Though you might want to bring along your marriage license if you have one. She’s kind of fixating on that.”
    Despite being worried, anxious, and excited, Steve chuckled. “I figured as much. Just had a feeling. Tell her I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
    There was a pause while the nurse imparted the news while giving Elle back her phone. Steve knew better than to wait around. He’d long since put the marriage license in the glove compartment of his truck, anticipating needing it on short notice.
    “What do you mean it will take you ten minutes? What part of get here now did you not understand?”
    “Relax, baby, I’ll be there before they get your epidural started.”
    “You better be! And don’t tell me to relax, dammit!”
    He winced. “Poor choice of words. I’ll be there before you know it.”
    Steve knew better than to hang up

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