Once Found: The Pocket Watch Chronicles

Once Found: The Pocket Watch Chronicles by Ceci Giltenan

Book: Once Found: The Pocket Watch Chronicles by Ceci Giltenan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ceci Giltenan
thought they’d be here. They told me you and Elizabeth are dating.”
    “We were, but we aren’t any longer,” David clarified. “Her parents don’t know that yet.”
    “But ye came here—this morning, I presume—specifically to see her. Why?”
    “Because I care about her. I believe her parents often railroad her, and she tries to make them happy by giving in. When they called me, I feared they were about to do it again, and I wanted to be here to support Elizabeth in any way I could.”
    “That’s very thoughtful of ye.” The old doctor canted his head. “And ye, Gabe, ye seem content to have her hand in yers. Why is that?”
    Gabe sighed. “I love her. I think I have for years. It was my own stupidity that made me break up with her in the first place.”
    “I see.” He surveyed both men for a moment. “Well now, Elizabeth, if it’s okay with ye, I’m going to ask these two rogues to leave us for a bit.”
    “That’s fine.” She smiled at Gabe and squeezed his hand before letting go.
    ~ * ~
    Gabe and David left the room, and Elsie smiled hesitantly at Dr. Rose.
    He smiled back. “Do ye mind if I take seat?”
    “No, not at all.”
    He sat in the recliner, making himself comfortable. “Well lass, I suspect this has been a right harrowing few days for ye.”
    Elsie frowned. “I…It’s…”
    “I understand, lass. I know all about the pocket watch.”
    “Did Gertrude send ye?”
    “Nay, I haven’t seen her in years. When yer father described yer odd memory loss, I suspected ye were a time traveler. But when ye described the intense feelings ye have for young Dr. Soldani, I was certain. Where are ye from, lass? Or should I ask when?”
    “I’m from the Highlands of Scotland. When I left it was the year of our Lord twelve-hundred and seventy-nine.”
    “Ye don’t say? Bless yer wee soul, I’ve haven’t encountered many travelers who came to the future. I have more experience with those who returned from the past. How old were ye when ye left?”
    “I was twenty-one.”
    “And did ye know ye’d be coming forward so far?”
    “I didn’t know anything. I didn’t accept the watch. Elizabeth did.”
    “And ye’re alive? I’ve never heard of that happening.”
    “Gertrude said several things happened differently. I don’t understand it all, but the watch stayed here instead of going with Elizabeth. And our souls changed places before I…well, before I…”
    “Ah, ye hadn’t done the thing that would have ended in yer death. Now that’s very interesting. So, what’s going to happen now?”
    “In my time, Lady MacKenzie desperately needs Elizabeth’s help. I want her to have it, and Elizabeth is willing. Gertrude says we can change back when the problem is resolved.”
    “And have ye a mission here?”
    “I think I might. This feeling I have for Gabe—well, it’s hard to describe. But I think Elizabeth cares very deeply for him. I reckon I can maybe help bring them together.”
    “Gertrude always has been a great one for making sure souls find each other if they’re intended to be together.”
    “So, what now?”
    “Well, Dr. Levi believes ye’re in a fugue state and that is an excellent explanation for what everyone thinks has happened. So I will concur and suggest that ye meet with me once a week.”
    “But I’m not ill.”
    “I know ye’re not ill, lass. I’m a Scot myself, and I want to find out more about where ye’re from and what it was like then. And ye might have questions that ye’d rather ask someone who knows yer situation. Besides, we need to be seen to do something. It will smooth things nicely when Elizabeth returns.”
    “What about Elizabeth’s parents? They want me declared incompetent.”
    “Those two are a puzzle. I do believe they care for their daughter, but she doesn’t seem to be their priority, does she?”
    “No.” Elsie looked away for a moment.
    “What is it, lass?”
    “It’s silly I guess. My parents died when I was very

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