One in a Million

One in a Million by Susan Mallery Page A

Book: One in a Million by Susan Mallery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Mallery
Tags: Category, Hometown Heartbreakers
want to save the big one at the far end for the adults. You kids can sit at the other tables with your friends." Jill handed out name tags while Elizabeth passed around several pens. Nash saw Adam and Jason race over to stand with their mother. She talked them through filling out their tags. He waited until they had finished, then wrote his own name. It was only when he glanced around the room that he realized every other tag had either a spouse's name on it or parents' names. Kevin and Haley had put each other's names with theirs on the name tags, as had Gage and Kari.
    “ Getting ready to bolt?" Stephanie asked when she'd peeled the back off her tag. "I'm fairly com fortable in crowds, what with running the B&B and all, but even I'm a little overwhelmed by all this."
    “ I'm doing okay," he said, taking the tag from her and placing it on her sweater, close to the ribbed neckline. "I won't pass the quiz, though." She grinned. "I figured if they called on me, I'd cheat by saying everyone was a Haynes. At least then I'd be able to pass with about eight-five-percent accuracy."
    “Good idea." His gaze fell onto the tag he'd just pressed into place and he saw that she didn't have a name after hers either. They were the only two unattached adults at the gathering.
    Elizabeth waved them over to take a seat at the large table. Nash found himself seated between Stephanie and Jill. Kevin was on Stephanie's other side.
    When everyone was settled, Craig stood. "As the oldest of the Haynes brothers, I would like to thank all of you for coming." He smiled. "We are here tonight to welcome our new brothers." He motioned across the table. "Gage Reynolds, Kevin Harmon and Nash Harmon." Nash found himself standing, along with Kevin and Gage. There was a round of applause. When they were seated, Craig continued.
    “ I know we're all anxious to get to know each other. I suggest we start by going around the table and stating our names, where we live and what we do for a living. Oh, and don't forget to introduce your children."
    “ Yeah, don't forget us," a little dark-haired girl said.
    The adults laughed.
    “ As I already have your attention, I'll start," he said when there was quiet. "I'm Craig Haynes. My beautiful wife, Jill, is sitting right here." He put his hand on her shoulder. "We have five children, the oldest of which is that tall, good-looking eighteen year-old. Ben was offered a football scholarship at UCLA." He continued to introduce his five children, then concluded by saying Jill had the hardest job of all— she kept them in line—while he was just a cop.
    Travis went next. He rose and introduced his wife, Elizabeth, and their four children. They went around the table. Every single Haynes brother was a cop, until Jordan stood and proclaimed himself as the only Haynes sensible enough to go into fire fighting rather than law enforcement.
    Austin Lucas was next. He had the Haynes ba sics—tall, dark hair and eyes—that distinguished the brothers, but his hair was much longer and he wore a small gold earring. Austin mentioned that he was a Haynes in spirit and heart, rather than by blood.
    Gage was next. He talked about his life in Possum Landing, where he was the local sheriff. He intro duced his fiancée, and said that his brother, Quinn, should be arriving any day now.
    When a tall, dark-haired woman rose, Nash fig ured she was the half sister he'd heard about. Her introduction confirmed the fact. She explained that her mother, Louise, was home babysitting their latest daughter who had been born only six weeks be fore.
    When it was Nash's turn, he stood. "I'm Nash Harmon. Kevin's twin brother. I'm the smart one." Everyone laughed.
    He grinned when Kevin reached around Stephanie and punched his arm. "I live in Chicago ," Nash continued, "where I'm a negotiator for the FBI." As he added a few more details, he glanced down and saw Stephanie looking at him with surprise. Hadn't he told her what he did for a living?
    “ I

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