One in a Million
much intensity.
    She walked over to Brett and put her hand on his back. "He's a nice guy. What can I say? He invited us to join him tonight. He's just found out he's re lated to the Haynes brothers. You know how many of them there are. Plus their wives and their kids." She lowered her voice. "Nash didn't exactly admit this, but I think he wanted us along because he's a little nervous. I think he wants us to be a noisy distraction. That's it.'' Brett looked at her. The concern had faded from his eyes. "Yeah?"
    “ Yeah." He smiled again. "We're really good at being noisy." She brushed the hair from his forehead. "I would say you and your brothers are experts." Nash held open the door to the large pizza res taurant. When Stephanie and the kids had entered, he walked in and saw the small desk up front. The hostess there gave him a big smile. "How many?" she asked.
    “ We're part of the Haynes party," he said.
    “ Okay. Through to the back. There are two dou ble doors. You can't miss it. Just follow the noise." The twins raced ahead with Brett trailing behind them. Nash put his hand on the small of Stephanie's back and urged her forward. As they got closer to the room, the sound of conversation spilled into the main restaurant.
    Stephanie leaned close. "Sounds like little more than controlled chaos," she said.
    He looked at the dozens of people milling around in the huge room. "I think controlled is stretching it." They stepped inside where they were greeted by Travis and Kyle. He introduced Stephanie and her kids, then met several wives, two more brothers and three kids.
    “ This is never going to work," a pretty woman with light brown hair said. "It's only been ten minutes and your eyes are already glazed." She reached into her purse and pulled out a plastic pack age. "I thought this might happen so I brought name tags." A petite redhead handed over a box of her own. "Great minds, Elizabeth ," she said. "I brought them, too." The redhead turned to Nash. "I'm Jill, Craig's wife. Craig's the oldest of the brothers." She glanced around the room, then pointed to a tall, dark-haired man with gray at his temples. "Craig's easy to keep track of. He's the best-looking of the brothers."
    “ He is not," Elizabeth said, then laughed. "I guess we all have our favorites."
    “ Fortunately that is usually the guy we're married to. Anything else would make these gatherings awk ward." Jill looked at Nash, then at Stephanie. "Are we terrifying you? I guess this is really strange. We're such a close-knit family that we don't even think about it, but I remember when I had to meet everyone. It was a little intimidating." She frowned slightly. "Actually it was a lot easier for me back then. Only Travis, Kyle and Austin were married. There weren't as many kids. Did you know that Austin isn't officially a Haynes? It's more of a fam ily member by adoption." Nash shook his head. "You can't start adding more people," he said. "Not without written per mission." As he spoke he spotted his brother, Kevin, across the room. Haley was next to him, staring at him with a look of love and devotion that made Nash feel he'd accidentally witnessed something personal. He turned away.
    “ Listen up everybody," Elizabeth said loudly.
    A boy of about fourteen stuck two fingers in his mouth and gave a sharp whistle. The room went quiet.
    “ We have name tags," she continued, waving the box over her head.
    “And pens," Jill added.
    “ Right. Everyone come get a name tag. If you're an adult, put your name first, then a dash and your spouse's name. If you're a child, put your name on top and your parents' names underneath. If you’re too young to write, come see me or Jill. Any ques tions?"
    “ Is there going to be a quiz?" Travis asked. "You bet. And if you fail, you are in big trouble, mister. Don't be messing with me." Travis looked pleased at the prospect.
    “ After you've filled out your name tag," Eliza beth continued, "take a seat at one of the tables. We

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