One Thousand Brides
a primus. As she watched the others laughing and chattering, she thought, I’m the only one here dreading the ceremony.
    * * * * *
    Jan dreamed that Delos was with her in bed. His mouth was hot and urgent on her breasts. His cock nudged her entrance as he lay between her legs. Her pussy swelled, begging for his touch. She stroked his beautiful soft hair, so happy he was with her again…
    “All Brides report to the fourteenth floor. Follow the blinking corridor lights to the central elevators. All Brides…”
    Desolated, Jan tore herself away from the dream. The dulcet voice of the computer continued as she rose and threw a flame-red tunic over her head.
    The Brides babbled questions as they met up in the corridors. Many asked Jan if she knew what was happening. She answered that she knew no more than anyone else.
    But in her heart, she knew this had to be the Spring Running.
    “You wouldn’t believe the dream I was having just now,” one woman giggled.
    “Me too!”
    Jan saw Beth nearby, a dreamy expression on her face. The young woman reached up and fondled her own breasts as she hurried to the elevator.
    Jan looked away. She would have liked to touch herself too. Her nipples ached and her pussy was drenched with need.
    Stop thinking about sex.
    She had used some of her time with the computer to learn everything she could about the ship. The fourteenth floor was the agricultural level. Here the crops were grown that fed everyone aboard. There was also a parklike area with grasslands and trees.
    The women gasped in wonder as they emerged from the central elevators. After the narrow metal corridors of the ship’s residential area, the acres of red and green plants were startling. Jan breathed in the intoxicating scents of growing things, tilled soil and rainwater.
    The council was present, kneeling on their customary stools. The secondus males were already gathered together, their eyes hungrily devouring the Brides. Jan looked for Delos but couldn’t find him in the crowd.
    Council member Goldus rose to address them.
    “Beautiful Brides, welcome to one of the most important events of the Terilian people. You may have noticed yourself experiencing intense erotic longings recently. You’re merely responding to our male pheromones and to your own desires to mate during today’s Spring Running.
    “When the whistle sounds, run deep into the park and conceal yourselves. At the end of twenty minutes, the secondus-ranked males will search for you. Don’t make it too easy for them, Brides! Part of the joy of the Spring Running is the challenge of finding you before mating.
    “After another hour, the fifty primus-ranked males will be allowed into the park. Be aware that primuses have first choice among females, so even if you’ve already mated with a secondus, you may still be fortunate enough to gain a primus husband.”
    Janis’ gaze strayed to Primus Taddus. His eyes were fixed on her.
    Behind him she recognized Hannus, the aide who had helped her in the hospital. As they locked glances, he licked his lips.
    The secondus males would seek them first. But what if another secondus male reached her before Delos?
    Her body was ripe for pleasure. She wanted sex far more than she’d ever wanted food during her long, miserable diet.
    But she didn’t want just any male. She wanted Delos.
    Goldus concluded, “May the Great Fur-Mother bless us all today. Brides, good Running.”
    The whistle sounded. The Brides, looking hesitantly at each other, moved into the park.
    “Run, ladies!” Jan shouted. Somehow she knew what to do almost by instinct. This would be a joyous game, a hide-and-seek spectacular with mating as the glorious prize.
    Throwing her head back, she ran. Warm artificial light beat down from the violet-painted ceiling. She moved effortlessly, head high. Surely her legs had never been so strong before. She laughed in sheer delight and heard the same from other women.
    They ran tirelessly, spreading out as they

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