Jacks, Marcy - The Blind Werewolf Assassin [DeWitt's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Jacks, Marcy - The Blind Werewolf Assassin [DeWitt's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Marcy Jacks

Book: Jacks, Marcy - The Blind Werewolf Assassin [DeWitt's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Marcy Jacks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcy Jacks
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16                            Marcy Jacks
    pa and brother are putting you in the truck, I’ll blow your head off,
    Adam had to find a way to get out of here. If they put him inside any vehicle of theirs, then he would never been seen alive again. Or seen, for that matter. His body would vanish, and no one would ever find his corpse.
    He had to wait for them to get the bear trap off his ankle. They could do whatever they wanted to him until then, but he needed the chain  and the trap removed, otherwise he stood no chance.
    He nodded to the boy, agreeing to be docile.
    “Go get the rope, Jimmy,” said their father. Jimmy rushed off to do as he was told.
    These kids must have been boy scouts when they were younger, he thought five minutes later as his hands were tied behind his back and another small rope was shoved between his teeth and tied tightly behind his head.
    Just for the extra strength, the father came back with another rope
    and tied his arms with them, too.
    “Go round and round, and when you think you’re done, do it
    another ten times.”
    Jesus Christ.
    The father left Adam to the care of his boys now that he was safely tied up and came back with a pair of metal sheers.
    He put them around the chain that had been nailed into the ground, and Adam felt the snap of the metal reverberate all the way into his bleeding wound.
    “Don’t you worry ’bout that,” the old man said at Adam’s small cry. “That’s gonna be the least of your worries in a couple of minutes.  Get his legs, Jimmy. Watch the trap.”
    No! They were leaving the fucking bear trap on his foot?
    He had no choice. Even with it still on, Adam had to struggle, to fight to get away now that he was no longer chained to the ground.
    “Easy, now. Easy,” said the father, as though he were  offering

    The Blind Werewolf Assassin                      17

    comfort to an animal he was about to kill. Which he was.
    Adam wouldn’t stop, not until Jimmy dropped his legs, and Adam nearly bit through the rope they shoved into his mouth as he screamed. He could feel the teeth of the bear trap sinking just a  little bit deeper into his ankle, scraping his bones, when that kid dropped him and the trap clanged on the hard ground.
    “Well, now, that’s what you get for being difficult about it,” said the father, smiling down at Adam with all the paternal wisdom in the world.
    Adam glared at him, wishing something would come and knock that stupid son of a bitch right off his high horse.
    Something did. A huge black blur flew out from seemingly nowhere, teeth clamping down on the old man’s neck and shoulder, and he screamed and he was pushed down into the tall grass with the monster on top of him, biting and clawing, both struggling with each other.
    Both boys screamed as they forgot all about Adam and ran to help
    their father.
    The black-haired werewolf must have run off, because Adam
    could just see the commotion above the tall grass as the old man  stumbled to his feet and clutched at his bleeding neck, looking down  at all the red in his hand. His face turned the color purple.
    He wasn’t going to die from his wounds, but he was severely  pissed off. “You think you can kill me that easily?” he shrieked,  spinning around, addressing the trees and still searching for wherever  the wolf who had bitten him had gone.
    “I don’t die that easily! I’ve survived two wars!” he yelled. Then  he snatched the rifle from his youngest son and advanced on Adam.
    Adam’s heart raced as his end came nearer to him. “I’ll kill him
    right now! You think I give that much of a shit about a stinking wolf

    18                            Marcy Jacks
    Again, the black wolf who had saved Adam’s life emerged from the tall grass, this time his jaws clamping down on the gun, taking it clean out of the old man’s hands, right before

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