Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2)

Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2) by Lucy Gage Page A

Book: Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2) by Lucy Gage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Gage
a condom, get your very fine ass back over here and show me what you can do.”
    He laughed but did as he was told and let her put it on when she held out her hand for the condom. Thank God he was a nice guy, because a man that big could hurt a girl her size if he wasn't gentle at first, even if that girl was horny as hell and felt like she was ready for anything. He suckled her breasts and touched her, ensuring she was hot, wet and writhing beneath his ministrations until she needed him inside her so much she was about to burst. Then he kissed her sensually as he eased into her folds and slowly spread her all the way down.
    “Oh, wow ,” she breathed. It had only hurt for a split second.
    “Mmm. Yeah. You are tight . You okay?”
    “ Very okay. Show me what you can do, big guy.”
    He laughed again. “You sure you're ready for it?”
    “So, so ready.” She laughed, too. “I don't think I've ever wanted anything so damn bad in my life.”
    “Then I hope I don't disappoint,” he said.
    Oh, God . Rob moved in and out, and was he good at it. He kissed her the whole time, slid out slowly and back inside a few times while he stretched her. And then he rotated his hips, pressed as deep as he could get. It aroused her in a way a smaller man couldn't manage or at least never had before. In a few minutes, she was ready to burst.
    “Rob, I'm there. Are you?” she asked, teetering on the verge of exploding.
    “Yes. Jesus, Jenna!” He swelled even bigger and that was it. They climaxed at the same moment and she saw stars.
    So incredible .
    Damn, that had to be the best sex she'd ever had. He held himself off her body with his forearms for a bit, still solid inside her as they both came down from the high. Her mind reeled.
    What was that? It wasn't just great sex. Not in her experience.
    But, he was a famous actor. Even if he wanted more than one roll in the sheets – an insanely hot tumble at that – then what?
    He pulled out slowly and she was so sensitive, she moaned. No matter what, this would go down as unforgettable.
    They lay side by side, out of breath for a minute or two. This had been amazing. But could it ever be more? She wasn't sure if there was that intangible thing she'd always thought should be present when you were head over heels or could get to that point easily. Granted, there was sexual chemistry in spades, but it wasn't as if she thought she might die if she never had him again. She'd be disappointed, yes. But heartbroken? At the moment? No.
    Afraid of being last on board the train, Jenna spoke first. She guessed he was probably thinking the same thing as her, but he was too polite to say it.
    “I'm thinking we should probably stick with being friends.”
    Rob laughed, sounding a little disappointed. “That bad?”
    “No! Not at all. I'd like to do it again. It's not that you're not great in bed. You are phenomenal , actually. But it feels like this would never be more than sex. And I need more than that.”
    “Yeah, me too. I don't do booty calls. That's not my thing.”
    She agreed but, oddly, was a little bummed that he'd shared her thought process.
    “Me either. Friends?” Jenna suggested.
    He kissed her sweetly. “Absolutely. You're pretty amazing yourself. It's been a while since I had sex that great.”
    “Oh? Rachel not much to write home about in bed?”
    “That's not a comment on her lack of bedroom skills, though she was more into it at the beginning. It was a comment on how enjoyable you are.”
    She grinned at him. He'd liked it as much as she had. That made his assessment of a possible future sting less.
    “Thanks. It's really too bad you're just not my type.” Yeah, that's it. Right?
    Rob laughed harder. “Not your type? And you slept with me anyway?”
    “I didn't say you're not hot. You're so hot you're on fire. I wanted you almost as soon as I saw you. But you're just not my usual type of sexy. I like subtle sexiness. You're more in-your-face delicious. Seriously, I don't

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