Our Hearts Entwined

Our Hearts Entwined by Lilliana Anderson

Book: Our Hearts Entwined by Lilliana Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilliana Anderson
Tags: Romance
as a patient Cayd and you’re continuing contact with her. I think it’s unethical,” Cherry reminded him, looking at him pointedly.
    Raking his hands through his dark unruly hair, he huffed out his breath. “It will be fine Cherry. There’s nothing untoward going on here.”
    Cherry placed her hands on her hips and continued her pointed look, “So a patient comes to you with a suspected alter ego, and you find out that she has a twin, so now you’re hanging out after hours PLUS she spent the night in your home? Not only does that sound ridiculous, but it sounds untoward as well – like she was the damsel in distress, and the good doctor saw an opportunity to save her.”
    “It’s not like that! I met her before she came here. Besides, is it so wrong that I want to find out who this other twin is and why she’s trying to take over? This is the stuff that movies are made of Cherry – you don’t ever get to see this stuff in real life. I’m more than curious here. I have a burning desire to know.”
    “A burning desire to get in that girl’s pants,” Cherry mumbled under her breath.
    “What was that?”
    “I said why can’t Harry’s guy help her? Why do you have to do this? We’re trying to build a practice here and Evelyn and I can’t do that on our own.”
    “And we still are Cherry. But what am I going to do right now? I have two patients – that’s it. I’ve got a stack of time to kill.”
    “So you’re going to be a psychiatrist slash private investigator until business picks up are you?”
    “Something like that,” he conceded with a grin as he leant against the door frame behind Cherry’s desk.
    Shaking her head, Cherry sighed as she studied her boss’ handsome face. “You know what your problem is? You have entirely too much money at your disposal.”
    Cayd broke into a grin that set Cherry’s heart aflutter. She found him to be devastatingly attractive, especially on days like this when he didn’t have any patients booked and hadn’t bothered to shave. He was dressed casually in a fitted bonds t-shirt that showed off his lean build, a pair of slightly worn jeans, with bare feet.
    “How is that a problem Cherry? If my father views love as unquestioned access to his funds, then I don’t have a problem with that, neither should you.”
    “You know they say psychiatrists are the most messed up of them all right?” she pointed out.
    “I do know that Cherry,” he laughed, pushing his weight off the door that led to the back of the building and his home.
    “Just be careful ok?”
    Cayd responded with a wink as he punched in a code and opened the door. “Tell Evelyn I’ll be out today, but call me if I’m needed,” he shot over his shoulder as he entered the hallway, padding quietly down the length of it until he reached another door that opened into his lounge room.
    “I guess I’ll just stay here and man the phones then,” Cherry said to herself. “I can’t believe I gave up my old job to sit around all day doing nothing,” she continued to grumble as she opened her web browser and brought up Yahoo 7, so she could catch up on some tv shows as a way to occupy herself.
    When Mia woke up, her head was pounding, and she still didn’t feel like she had slept much at all. Her body felt heavy with lethargy as she tried to move. Had she been at home in her own bed, she would have actually contemplated staying in it and calling sick to work that day. It was something she never did, knowing full well how hard it was to cover her classes. Normally, they needed to hire a substitute teacher and a translator, so she only called in sick when she absolutely could not work.
    “Shit!” she exclaimed sitting bolt upright, as she realised that she was probably already late. Frantically, her eyes searched the room for a clock, finding one on the nightstand that read six-forty-five. Sighing in relief, she threw the covers back and stretched her arms above her head before standing up and

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