Passing It On: Growing Your Future Leaders

Passing It On: Growing Your Future Leaders by Myles Munroe

Book: Passing It On: Growing Your Future Leaders by Myles Munroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Myles Munroe
Tags: REL071000
     They were prepared and able to do it because Jesus had mentored them. The idea of making yourself unnecessary, of being able
     to leave, is critical.
    The final measure of true leadership is when your mentees can lead others . Measure your success as a leader and mentor by how many people are following the leaders you trained. When they can mentor
     effectively, you are an effective leader. In a family, it works like this. If you are a parent, you do not measure your success
     by the behavior of your children. That is not the tool. You measure your success as a parent by the behavior of your grandchildren.
     In other words, if you were a great parent, it will show up in your grandchildren because your children will parent their
     children the way you parented them or even do it better than you did. So study your grandchildren. Have you produced children
     who can produce leaders?
    If you have mentored effectively, then your mentees will mentor effectively. Leadership is reproducing leadership. Mentoring
     and developing successors takes far more courage than protecting your turf does.
The Mentor’s Job
    Mentoring is the commitment of a mentor to develop someone else through a practical relationship. Mentors offer:
    Timely advice . The mentee has to accept the fact that the mentor will offer advice and opinions. “Timely” means at the moment the mentor
     thinks will provide the best learning experience—a teaching moment. He will turn to the mentee and give instruction. Lessons
     delivered on the spot, in real time instead of after the fact, are best. That is even preferable to lecturing about things
     that could happen in the future.
    Resources . The mentor shares such resources as letters, articles, and books for the mentee’s benefit. If you are a good mentor, you
     expose the mentee to the things that helped you. Those in my mentoring program know that nearly every month they will get
     a list of books from me that I am reading. If I find an article that is very helpful to me, I will send that article to thepeople in my mentoring program. If I find a CD or a program that is helping me, I expose the mentee to that. I want them to
     know what I know.
    Financial help/guidance . The mentor might assist the mentee financially but has no obligation to do so. The mentor might buy a book, help with travel
     costs, or cover the registration fees for an event. If there is a commitment on the part of the mentee, the mentor will be
     encouraged to help.
    Freedom for the mentee to emerge as a leader even beyond the level of the mentor . The mentor wants the mentee to become greater. That is the purpose of mentoring. If you want the mentee to excel beyond
     your accomplishments, you have to provide opportunities for that to happen. Many times when I have a mentee with me, I put
     him in front of my audience to speak. I will give him my microphone, saying, “You go ahead and talk to the people. Let me
     expose you to my market.” I am helping the mentee to emerge. What took me thirty years to gain, I can give to my protégé in
     thirty seconds. This is the power of a mentor. A mentor can change the mentee’s life in a day, saving that person a lifetime
     of trial and error.
    A role model for leadership functions . A mentor shows how to lead in many different settings. You allow the mentee to see how you handle pressure, criticism, disappointment,
     and abuse of yourself or others. They see you leading in the various settings of life.
    Direct access and opportunities for development . I might say to my mentee, “You should go to that seminar.” I do this because I know that he or she needs to learn something
     in that particular environment. Or I might say, “Buy this book,” or “Subscribe to that magazine.” I know what they need to
     learn. Sometimes I call a mentee to say, “I want you to go on this trip with me,” and the mentee asks, “Why?” I explain, “Because
     on this trip, I will be exposed to

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