Passion in Paris

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Book: Passion in Paris by Bella Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Ross
couldn’t help but keep reminiscing.
    She’d been secretly relieved when the dinner portion of the evening had ended. As the dance floor began crowding with couples, she’d slipped away. Parties had never been something she enjoyed. Being around too many people drained her, and even though over the years she’d kept socializing to a minimum, it was nice once in a while. After all, she’d had a hand in the planning and organizing of the fundraiser, and it was only prudent to put in an appearance. Allan Monroe, a world class philanthropist and the host to the most anticipated event of the year, and not to mention a dear friend, would’ve accepted nothing less.
    With murmurs of conversation and music echoing behind her she’d swept along the garden paths enjoying the scents, the textures, the charm of Allan’s East Hampton estate. The rich scent of roses had wafted all around her, as she made her way toward the tail end of the property with spectacular views of the ocean. She stood there gazing up at the full moon shimmering in the night sky, listening to the soothing waves crashing to shore, when suddenly the sound of footsteps had interrupted her sweet reverie.
    He’d followed her. Of course he would.
    She’d been delighted yet nervous. After some polite conversation, the attraction between had been undeniable. Like magnets, they were in each other’s arms. She couldn’t even recall how it had happened. All she could remember was his mouth moving over hers. He’d been eager, bold and delicious. His kiss had melted the last vestiges of resistance and hesitation as she hungrily reciprocated. No man had ever kissed her like that.
    Upon her return to reality the next day, forgetting would’ve been in her best interest, but forgetting required cooperation. So far, her mind, her emotions and intuition were doing everything but that. Her mind kept telling her that he was completely out of her league. Her emotions wanted to feel and taste him again. Her intuition nudged her to go with the flow.
    Then again, going with the flow was something she was never particularly fond of. But here she was going with the flow. Being at the helm of a successful event planning business, her time wasn’t for free. Dropping everything for a man she barely knew was unthinkable. Correction. She did know of him, but so did the rest of the world. That hardly qualified as knowing someone. And yet she found herself cancelling appointments and conference calls, in order to have the next three days open for him. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, and for once in her life, responsibilities and obligations be damned.
    She turned and stared out the window . Where was he? What was taking him so long? Feeling slightly impatient, she shifted in her seat. When he’d called her and extended the invitation, she’d nearly fell off her chair. Max Gray was offering to whisk her away to Paris to explore the attraction that had been ignited that night. At first, she’d hesitated due to shock, then grew speechless, but his persistence was exactly the extra push she needed to accept. “Paris is always a good idea,” he’d said. And she didn’t doubt that sentiment whatsoever.
    “Are you comfortable?” Max’s voice came from behind her and she turned around to see him standing at the back of the plane with his hands in his pockets. His imposing presence and the sheer masculinity, the power and strength that exuded from his lean form clad in black slacks and shirt took her breath away. She couldn’t help but stare at him. Sleek and gorgeous, she thought. The unruly mane of black hair that framed his rugged features and the intensity of his green eyes that could bend steel, or her, to his will left her speechless. “Its going to be the best ride of your life.”
    It already was. The engines roared to life beneath her, sending a deep shudder through the hull. The plane started taxiing down the runway. He took his seat opposite her, buckled up, and

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