PATIENT CARE (Medical Romance) (Doctor Series)

PATIENT CARE (Medical Romance) (Doctor Series) by Bobby Hutchinson Page A

Book: PATIENT CARE (Medical Romance) (Doctor Series) by Bobby Hutchinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobby Hutchinson
    “You’ve got too much to do as it is,” she said in a trembly but firm tone. “Gladys will come and stay with me. She’ll be glad to get away from that daughter of hers for a few weeks. You call her for me, Lissa.”
    “I will. She’ll be glad to hear that you’re awake. She’s been so worried she’s phoned every day,” Melissa said.
    “Prob’ly scared I won’t make it to Reno for Christmas like we planned,” Betsy said. “Gladys really likes the slots,” she explained to James. “Me, I’m more for poker.”
    “I didn’t know you were going to Reno with Gladys.” Melissa had been going to surprise Betsy with tickets to Hawaii.
    Betsy grinned, a hint of mischief in her eyes. “A person’s gotta have some secrets.”
    James laughed, and Melissa had to giggle. Her mother was definitely better if her contrary nature had returned full force.
    Betsy yawned, patting her mouth and settled back on the pillows. “I think I need a little nap,” she said. “Hard to get a minute’s peace in this place.”
    Melissa straightened the sheets, and her mother was already snoring lightly when she and James walked out of the room.
    “There’s no chance she’ll drop back into coma?” Melissa knew her worried question wasn’t fair. James wasn’t God, after all.
    He shook his head. “She seems perfectly fine. I think your mom is over the crisis and, as I said, well on her way to recovery.”
    Melissa felt like throwing herself into his arms for a massive hug, but there were staff everywhere. She settled for a swirling little solitary dance down the hall and back. “It’s a miracle, James,” she crowed. “Oh, I’m so happy I just don’t know what to do.”
    “How about a coffee at Rudy’s to celebrate?”
    Melissa looked up at the clock behind the nursing station. It wasn’t even seven.
    “I can’t wait to tell Rudy. He’s going to be thrilled.”
    They made their way out to the parking lot. The sun was already coming up, and the morning air was sweet. Rudy was in his lawn chair beside the trailer, one massive leg crossed over the other. The moment he spotted them coming, he leaped up and disappeared inside. By the time they sat down he’d reappeared with two mugs of coffee and a plateful of sugared doughnuts.
    “The wife didn’t bake this morning, so I bought these from that Greek fella on Broadway. He makes the best doughnuts in town,” Rudy announced. “I wondered where you’d both got to. I saw your car over there,” he said to Melissa as he lowered himself into his lawn chair.
    With a lilt in her voice and much joy in her heart, Melissa told him about Betsy.
    Rudy shot to his feet and threw both fists high in the air. “Hallelujah,” he shouted, attracting the attention of people hurrying to work along the sidewalk.
    “I knew Thelma’s prayer group’d come through for your mama,” he crowed. “Wait’ll Thelma hears this. She’s gonna be beside herself.” He sat down again, held his coffee cup high and insisted they both take a doughnut. “To Mrs. Clayton’s continued good health,” he toasted.
    Melissa echoed his words, as did James, and took a nibble of the doughnut. Rudy was right. It was one of the best she’d ever tasted.
    “Well, this settles it,” Rudy announced, talking through a huge mouthful of doughnut. “No way around it. You two gotta come to the church social Friday night.”
    “Oh, I don’t think I could—” Melissa began, but Rudy held up a hand, palm out, and leaned forward until his face was only inches from hers.
    “You—got—no—choice,” he drawled. “Miracle happens. You gotta come along and rejoice, both of you.”
    “When you put it that way, we’ll just have to do as you say,” James told him. “Don’t you think so, Melissa?”
    It was a chance to have an honest-to-goodness date with James.

Chapter Eleven
    Melissa agonized over what to wear, but when James led her through the open door and into the East Side Community Hall

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