Penelope and Ulysses

Penelope and Ulysses by Zenovia Page B

Book: Penelope and Ulysses by Zenovia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zenovia
but the whole region. He accomplishes things through persuasion and gets others to do the physical violence when required. PETROCULOS is a tall, lean, elderly man with the look of education. He too has not gone to war but has given advice on many. His hair and beard are grey; he gives the impression of being your kind grandfather and “sister,” and therefore others trust him easily.
    PETROCULOS and AGATHY are speaking together discussing an alliance to work together so that they can outwit the other suitors and PENELOPE. If AGATHY shows aggression towards PENELOPE, she will ask assistance from PETROCULOS, sealing the deal between them: they both will share in the region’s wealth .]
    PETROCULOS: Look my boy,
    you will have to overcome
    your sexual impulses towards Penelope,
    because if the other suitors find out
    that we have hurt her in any way
    or that we are working together
    in terrorizing and befriending her,
    they will kill both of us.
    AGATHY: I understand.
    We can’t seem to have an advantage
    or spoil the balance of terror that is in place.
    PETROCULOS: Penelope is to never suspect or know
    of our conspiracy against her.
    She must believe that she chose one of us
    of her own free will.
    All are here to make sure
    that Penelope chooses one of them
    and everyone here believes it will be he.
    To disturb this “balance”
    would cause chaos and murder among us,
    and the strongest,
    or the one who is not murdered in his sleep
    will be left standing, and probably not for long.
    Another factor that you have forgotten
    is that your future wife, Penelope,
    is also trained and disciplined
    with the sword and rhetoric.
    Therefore such a situation of disturbance
    would give her the advantage.
    AGATHY: You are saying that Penelope and her son,
    The Doubtful as he is known,
    would seize this opportunity
    to organise and fight or manage to flee,
    that some from the other islands
    may come to assist her.
    PETROCULOS: She is admired and wanted
    by the men who have been here for ten years.
    If they did not admire and lust for her
    then at any time they could have
    stormed and taken over her little Ithaca.
    I tell you this woman has charm, wit, and seduction,
    and let’s not forget she is as cunning and as clever as her Ulysses.
    AGATHY: Yes! Yes! We must keep it in the law
    or at least make it look as if we have not broken the law—
    or not get caught when we are breaking it.
    PETROCULOS: We must keep it planned, organised,
    civilised and conduct ourselves as men with honour.
    AGATHY: How do we conduct ourselves by night?
    PETROCULOS: The night has not eyes,
    and you can conduct yourself as you please,
    as long as you do not get caught.
    As civilised and cultured men,
    we must convince all others, including Penelope,
    that it is she who will make the decision.
    AGATHY: Woman, making her own decision,
    with her own free will!
    I tell you, it is not healthy for her sexually.
    My father told me to allow a woman
    such freedom would affect her bodily fluids
    and that she would become dry and frigid.
    PETROCULOS: We must make all others believe
    that we are following
    the law of the land and our ancestors.
    It is called politics, rhetoric.
    Our civilisation is based on such lies and trickery.
    You never reveal the real agenda
    until you have the transaction of expansion and possession
    sealed, netted, and bled.
    AGATHY: I don’t bother myself
    with such complicated political explanations.
    My main drive is here [ puts his hand on his genital area ]
    and I don’t need a sexual lecture
    or political training from you, old man;
    I know how to conduct myself with a woman.
    I know what they want.
    When they say no they mean yes.
    It’s their way of being difficult,
    to make a man wild with passion.
    PETROCULOS: Who gave you this pearl of wisdom?
    AGATHY: My father and my grandfather,
    and I have watched the sheep and goats.
    Women are similar. You have to overpower them
    to make them feel wanted.
    Women call this foreplay.
    I see a

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