Playing Pretend

Playing Pretend by Tamsyn Bester

Book: Playing Pretend by Tamsyn Bester Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsyn Bester
Tags: Romance
everything okay?” I asked, my mind immediately jumping to Braelynn.
    “Well that’s why I’m calling,” said Paul. He sounded nervous, and unsure, and that wasn’t helping the sudden flurry of anxiety in my stomach. “Danielle, the Nanny that has been looking after Caleb’s daughter left the building an hour ago without the baby, and hasn’t been back. There’s no one else in the penthouse -”
    “I’m on my way,” I interrupted loudly. Aaliyah stopped in front of the doors to Callahan Industries, and frowned.
    “What’s going on?” she mouthed.
    I shook my head, and ended the call before stepping into the street to hail a cab.
    “Call Caleb,” I told her. “Tell him I’m on my way to his place, and to meet me there as soon as he can.”
    “Kadence, tell me what’s going on.”
    “No time.” A cab pulled up next to me at the curb, and I looked back at Aaliyah one more time. “Please, call Caleb, and if he doesn’t answer, keeping calling until he does.”
    Her lips moved, but her response was already silenced from the inside of the cab. I watched as she ran into the building, and then told the cab driver where I needed to go. A few minutes, and several traffic violations later, the cab screeched to a stop outside the Puck building. I threw what little money I had in my purse at the driver, and flung myself out of the cab. My feet carried me to the elevators, and it felt like I’d stopped breathing while I made my way to the penthouse. Paul let me in – Caleb hadn’t given me keys – and I picked up my pace until I was standing in the nursery. Braelynn was screaming, tears staining her little red face and her small hands bunched into fists. Without hesitation, I picked her up, and cradled her to my chest, careful to support her head in the crook of my arm.
    “There, there,” I cooed gently, brushing my fingertips over her soft hair. “I’m here, sweet girl.”
    Braelynn calmed, and made a suckling noise with her mouth. I had no idea what her feeding schedule was, but I was willing to bet that she was hungry. I looked over my shoulder at Paul, getting a good look at him for the first time. He was an older gentleman with white hair, aged features, and surprisingly kind eyes. “It’s okay,” I said. “I’ll keep an eye on her until Mr. Callahan gets back.”
    He looked at me with open suspicion, probably wondering whether or not to trust me, but then Braelynn stopped crying and I guessed that was all the proof he needed that she was okay.
    “I’m going to keep calling Mr. Callahan,” he replied gruffly.
    “That’s fine.” My gaze fell back to Braelynn. “I’ll feed the little Miss, and see if she needs to be changed.”
    Paul grouched something unintelligible, and as soon as he left, I went about changing Braelynn. I buttoned up her baby grow, wrapped her up in her pink blanket, and ventured into the kitchen to find her bottles. Caleb had her formula labeled, along with everything else she needed, and once I’d sterilized and warmed her bottle in the fancy bottle warmer, I settled onto the sofa and placed the bottle in Braelynn’s mouth. She took it ardently, and ate with as much gusto that a newborn could. She had quite the appetite for such a small thing.
    I watched her in awe, feeling unfamiliar warmth fill my chest. I could’ve sat there for minutes, or for hours, it didn’t matter. I was so enraptured by Braelynn that it felt like I’d lost all conception of time.
    I forgot all about what happened with Caleb in his office, and even forgot about how hard the past few days had been.
    When she was done eating, I burped her, and slowly rocked her to sleep. I was putting her back down in her crib when Caleb burst through the door. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me, his chest heaving with breathlessness.
    He opened his mouth, but I put my hand up, signaling for him to give me a minute. I turned the mobile on above Braelynn’s crib, and stepped away. I followed Caleb out as

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