Pregnant with the Prince's Child

Pregnant with the Prince's Child by Raye Morgan

Book: Pregnant with the Prince's Child by Raye Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raye Morgan
beautiful once, but had gone a bit too much to seed lately. And then she saw Kylos and Griswold on either side of Mykal, bringing him back to the house.
    She gasped. He looked terrible, drawn and pale. The two men were holding all his weight and practically carrying him along. Her heart was in her throat as she ran out to meet them.
    “What happened?” she cried.
    Kylos gave her a murderous look. “I guess his pain medication wore off and he decided to go gallivanting around,” he said coldly. “Too bad you can’t be bothered to make sure he’s medicated.”
    “No,” Mykal murmured, shaking his head. “I don’t want any pain medication.”
    “What you want and what you need are two different things,” Kylos told him sternly.
    The house phone began to ring, adding to the sense of frenzy.
    “Oh,” Janis said, reluctant to leave them but knowing there was no one else to answer the phone in the house. These three were definitely occupied. “Shall I…?”
    “If you please, miss,” Griswold said, staggering under Mykal’s weight. “I’m afraid I’m tied up at the moment.”
    “If you wouldn’t mind,” Kylos added through clenched teeth, his eyes shooting daggers.
    “Of course.” She threw a pained glance at Mykal and a glare back at Kylos and ran into the house and then headed for the study, picking it up in the nick of time.
    “Hello,” she said breathlessly, looking back to see where they were taking Mykal. “This is the Marten residence.”
    “This is Queen Pellea,” the musical voice on the other end announced in a friendly manner. “I’d like to speak to Mykal, please.”
    “Oh.” Janis stood as though struck dumb. It was the queen. She’d never spoken to a queen before. “Oh, my goodness.”
    “Is he available?” Her voice rose as she began to intuit that something might be amiss. “What’s wrong? Has something happened to him? Please, fill me in right away.”
    Janis could hear the emotional connection in her voice and for some reason, it touched her heart and caused all her own emotions to come pouring out. Suddenly, she found herself talking to the queen as though she’d known her all her life.
    “Oh, Your Royal Highness,” she said, not sure if she had the right address but too upset to care. Looking around again, she could see that the men were taking him back into the bedroom. She needed to get to him. She needed to help.
    “I’ve been trying to keep him quiet,” she said quickly, “but you can’t believe how hard it is. I just woke up to find he’s been out running around in the yard and of course now he’s collapsed and…and…”
    “Okay,” Pellea said briskly. “We’re moving up the timetable. I’m sending someone over as soon as possible with an ambulance. I want him here at the castle where we can keep an eye on him.”
    “Oh.” She swallowed. She supposed that was probably for the best, but it seemed sudden.
    “What is your name, dear?”
    She drew in her breath sharply. She had so many names to sift through before deciding what name to give. There was her natural name, Janis Gorgonio, a name that would send up red flags anywhere it was mentioned. Then there was Marten, her married name. And Davos, her mother’s name, the one she had mostly gone by all her life in order to avoid people knowing she was born a part of the Gorgonio mob family.
    “Uh…Janis. Janis Davos.”
    “And you are…?”
    “I’m helping. I’m sort of an assistant. Trying to keep him calm. I know any sort of movement can be so dangerous for him.” Her voice was shaking with her fear for his safety and she stopped for a moment, embarrassed. “He doesn’t want to take anything that will make him drowsy, so I’m just trying to keep him from hurting himself.”
    “Really?” The queen’s voice was all sympathy. “How long have you known him?”
    “Uh… Actually…”
    Janis drew in a shuddering breath. She couldn’t lie to the queen! “It’s sort of a strange

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