Primal: Part One

Primal: Part One by Keith Thomas Walker

Book: Primal: Part One by Keith Thomas Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keith Thomas Walker
Here…”  He pulled his wallet from his pocket and produced an old business card.  “From when I was modeling,” he explained as he handed it to her.
    Monica took it, but she didn’t think she would call.  It was great seeing him again.  But she thought their time together would’ve been better spent if they had simply hooked up for the night and continued on their separate ways.  She didn’t need to have the story of him, Beth and Sarah stuck in her head.
    He opened the door and gave her another sweet smile before stepping out into the night.
    ● ● ● ● ● ●
    When she got home, Monica deposited her purse and keys on the kitchen counter.  She felt exhausted, but her mind was racing.  During the ride home she thought of all the practical reasons she shouldn’t entertain Jovan or his kinky request.  Once she had a nice-sized list, she considered all of the reasons she should get involved and only came up with one:  Money.
    For all she knew Jovan might blow up and become the next Magic Mike.  If she got in on the ground floor, her 25% commission might actually retire her.  Even if he didn’t reach superstar status, she could always use a little extra money on the side.  All she would have to do was point horny women in his direction.  Why was that even illegal?  She didn’t think it should be.
    She kicked her heels off in the living room.  Her little piggies immediately sang a chorus of thanks.  It felt great to be home.  She stepped quietly on her carpeted floors.  She kept the lights off, hoping not to awaken either of her sleeping beauties.
    She stopped by her sister’s room first.  Anita was snug in her sheets, snoring softly.  Monica found her daughter in the same state of slumber in the next room.  She pulled the sheets up to her shoulders and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  The princess didn’t stir.
    It was almost four a.m. when she entered her room.  Monica was so weary, she could’ve dove into bed fully clothed.  But she always felt like she needed a bath when she left the clubs.  Tonight Jovan’s sensual narrative made her feel extra dirty.
    Ten minutes later she left the steamy shower and crawled into bed wearing a nightgown and panties.  She thought about her ex-boyfriend while she bathed.  He was still the only thing on her mind.  She imagined how he must have looked in Vegas, when the redhead sucked his chest, and her wife rebuked them both.  She couldn’t get over the idea of him punishing Sarah’s pussy while Beth watched and gave instruction.  He said his dick was big.  Monica had never seen it, but she could imagine.
    She was frustrated when she couldn’t fall asleep immediately.  She sighed when one of her hands slipped into her panties, but she couldn’t fault herself for being aroused.  What woman wouldn’t feel something if a man as fine as Jovan looked them in the eyes and told a story like that?
    Monica stole glimpses at his lap multiple times while they sat in her car.  She wondered if the story was making him hard, because it was certainly making her clit swell.  But she never saw a bulge in his jeans.  In retrospect, that was a good thing.  She may have accidentally reached for it.  Who knows what would’ve happened then?
    She massaged her kitty, noticing how slick things were down there.  She didn’t think she’d be able to sleep in that condition, so she allowed her body to comfort itself.  Her fingers knew her like no other.  They found her bulbous clit and soothed it with slow strokes, just the right amount of friction.  She considered retrieving a toy, something as big as she imagined Jovan was, but she moved them out of her nightstand last month, and she didn’t want to get out of bed.
    But tonight, she had something better than a sex toy.  She had fresh memories – of Jovan.  She saw his face behind her closed eyelids.  She felt his hair falling into her face as he hovered over her.  She felt his heat.  She

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