Prince's Courtesan

Prince's Courtesan by Mina Carter

Book: Prince's Courtesan by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
Tags: Romance, futuristic
back of the bunk and cradled her in his lap. His hand stroked down her back as she cried, his lips against her hair as he sang half-remembered lullabies from his childhood. Eventually her sobs slowed, and then stopped, leaving just the occasional hiccup.
    After a while, Seth lifted his head. Her breathing had deepened and leveled out. A soft smile curved his lips. She was asleep. With careful movements, he shifted their positions on the narrow bunk, tucking her along the back wall still wrapped in the blanket. He left her to set the shuttle into a parallel orbit pattern with the asteroid belt and radio in.
    Less than four minutes later, he slid into the bunk next to her and gathered her into his arms again. This time, even in sleep, she came willingly and nestled against him with a sigh. A deep sense of contentment stole over Seth, and he closed his eyes.
    He was home.
    She was dreaming. Again. It was a dream that got trotted out with alarming regularity, so she recognized it as soon as she slipped into it. It was always the same, waking up to find herself held against a broad male chest and feeling safe. Feeling like nothing in the galaxy could hurt her because he loved her. He, of course, was never defined. In her dream she never opened her eyes. She preferred to dwell in the fantasy, and try to hold onto it as long as possible.
    As dreams went it wasn’t particularly ambitious, just a strong pair of arms to hold her, attached to a man who loved her and cared for her. For Jaida it was the one thing she could never have, and she knew it. Seth had pursued her across the length and breadth of the galaxy. She feared what he’d do to her when he caught her, so what he’d do to any man she’d taken up with was something she didn’t like to think about.
    She nestled closer and took a deep breath. The alluring scent of the man she was wrapped around filled her senses. The clean, sharp scent of a citrus-based shower gel, the heavier musk of Altarian sandalwood, all combined with an earthy deep fragrance that had to be the man himself. She murmured happily and buried her nose against a chest that felt like satin stretched over carved granite.
    It wasn’t just the fact Seth would most likely kill any guy she was with, though. In the safety of her dreams, she could admit the secret yearnings of her heart, even if she couldn’t admit them while awake. The reason she’d never so much as looked at another guy was because Jaida was like her father; once she’d fallen in love, it had been for life.
    She sighed as a large hand stroked her back. She was in love with Seth.
    She could even admit that here in the sanctuary of her dreams. His response last night when he realized she was crying was like something straight out of one of her dreams.
    She ignored the fact he’d made her cry in the first place The fact that he’d stopped when he did, as angry as he was, meant everything to her. As much as he seemed to hate her, there had to be something there—even if it was just the common decency of one sentient being to another.
    She must have drifted off to sleep again in her dream, because the next thing she knew, warm lips were trailing down her throat. She froze, then relaxed as the familiar scent of her dream man assaulted her senses again. It was okay, this was just part of her dream. Admittedly a new and—she shivered in delight—intriguing part of the dream, but still a dream.
    Warm lips whispered over her skin, finding all the spots that made her whimper in delight. Murmuring softly she turned her head to allow him better access. It felt so good, so right, she couldn’t resist. Couldn’t do anything but urge her dream lover on as a large, callused hand slid under the warm blankets and encountered her naked skin beneath.
    His hand stroked up her ribcage inch by slow inch. Her back arched in welcome, her breasts tightening and firming, and her nipples puckering into tight buds as though

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