
Promises by Ellen March

Book: Promises by Ellen March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen March
mov ed away from her, tugging his zip up over his bulge, mindful of his pubes. He watched as she pulled her skirt down and then followed her up to her bedroom.
    He wandered in and just stood there a moment, taking in the clutter. “Christ, don’t you ever tidy up?”
    “You’re her e to screw me, not give me a lecture on domesticity,” Alex said, growing annoyed. So what? She didn’t’ clean up much. What was the point? The room just got messy again.
    “Hey, don’t be so touchy .” He raised his hands in defence. “There’s no need to react like that, for Pete’s sake!” He scrubbed a hand angrily through his hair. “And honey, I’m not here as a stud to service you. This deal works both ways. I’m not paid as your private fuck. I never pay for what I can get for free, trust me.”
    A nnoyed at his superior smug attitude, she spun around, hands on her hips. “I think this is a mistake. Just leave.”
    “Suits me !” he yelled back. “I reckon you need to read up on friends with benefits, because it’s not all about you. And maybe you should look up the definition of friendship while you’re at it.”
    “I know what it is. It’s you who should be looking it up. Now get the hell out of my bedroom!”
    He shot her a furious glare before spinning around and slamming the door shut. Alex stared at the door, still vibrating from the sudden slam, and wished she’d shut her mouth. Her quick temper had talked her out of a night of mind-blowing sex, and now she was left with nothing apart from a long, boring night, and Roger. Then she thought of Solomon, and decided it wasn’t even worth pulling Roger out of the box. He would never measure up again. Maybe I’ll take a cool bath instead , she thought, anything to freeze the blistering craving.
    After the bath, Alex felt less stressed but still bothered by the unsatisfied ache between her legs. If she was going to have to do without Solomon, she decided that she’d better spring for rechargeable batteries.
    After r ubbing her hair dry, she dropped the towel on top of the growing pile and strolled down the landing towards her bedroom.
    * * *
    Solomon slammed the door to his own house, cursing her. He decided to leave Brindley Bay by morning. It had all been one big mistake. He’d dreamed of a luscious bed partner, not a red-haired shrew. In an angry huff, he stormed upstairs for yet another cold shower.
    He cursed her temper, cursed his own quick anger, and then cursed his dick for leading him into this situation in the first place.
    Later, in the night, Solomon glanced through the window at the light from across the way and saw that no curtains obscured his vision. Suddenly pausing, he sucked in his breath and stared as she walked towards him. She was naked, but not like last night. Now her huge breasts bounced with each step she took. Her nipples were such a dark chocolate brown he could almost taste them, sweet and succulent. Licking his lips in anticipation, he let his gaze drop over her tiny waist and flat stomach, flicking to the thatch of hair at the apex of her thighs. Taking in her slender legs, which fit perfectly around his waist, he knew he wasn’t going anywhere.
    A t least not yet.
    Damn it  … only a dream! He lay on his back in the dark, one arm thrown across his eyes. His thoughts refused to move on from Alex. The way she’d looked, innocent yet sexy. He wanted her so badly it hurt. Today had been just a teaser, a sample of what she was prepared to give.
    He thought about their friends with benefits agreement and was still shell-shocked that she had the same aversion to relationships as him. She was the first female he’d come across who didn’t want to shackle him.
    His thoughts turned to the scene in the library and experienced an almost primal surge of anger and protectiveness. Hell, he’d wanted to smack that bastard out, and he worried about his reaction to her. This possessiveness, it was so not him.
    * * *
    Alex was relieved it

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