Ravenous (Siren Publishing Classic)

Ravenous (Siren Publishing Classic) by Aubrey Brown Page B

Book: Ravenous (Siren Publishing Classic) by Aubrey Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Brown
Gabriel, her lover, her life.
    “I will age as you stay young,” she stated.
    “Indeed, but we will be together as you and I wish, we will raise the children as our own and revel in the time we do have,” he said.
    She shook her head and grasped his shoulders. “No, Gabriel. I will age, and you will not. I will eventually die, while you live.”
    “I will not let you suffer as I have. I am a monster, Emma. I am, at this moment trying to decide if you’re staying, here is what is best for you, but I cannot seem to give you up.”
    “This discussion is at an end.”
    He disappeared into the air, and Emma was shocked for a moment and then angry. He left the room, just left without any further discussion.
    * * * *
    As the days passed Gabriel avoided the issue of crossing Emma. She did not realize what she was asking. She was blinded by love and the appeal of the undead. If he crossed her, she may not be able to adjust to life as a vampire. It was the only way.
    He made love to her late at night and fled to his chamber just before sunrise. He reveled in her sweetness and light. Gabriel was worried she would lose all of her qualities if she lived as he did.
    Emma was frustrated. Her lover and partner refused to speak of the issue. He was acting completely unreasonable. She wanted to share eternity with him. Did he not understand that?
    She taught the children and slept with her employer at night. She felt a fallen woman in love with a man whom she could not reach.
    Emma began to feel sick again. This time the headaches would simply not go away. The days passed into weeks, and she lost weight. Her clothing no longer fit her slender frame. Gabriel felt severe concern for Emma. She was very ill.
    He brought a physician to see her, and he had no answers. He left a tonic for her consumption and recommended rest. With Emma resting in her room, Gabriel walked to his office in anger. In the two hundred years, he had been walking this earth medical science had yet to find an answer for illness.
    “My lord, I have your drink,” George interrupted.
    “Thank you, George.” He sipped the blood and felt the warmth fill his veins.
    “I see our lady is still ill and becoming more unwell.”
    “Do not tell me I should cross her again. I will not have her live the life of a monster. She is too delightful, with joy and love.”
    “May I speak freely, my lord?”
    “Aye, you may.”
    “Would you prefer to watch her die in pain than to live a life of the same joy and happiness you find within her? Do you not feel you are the identical person you were when you were changed? You have saved countless lives. You are acting like a father to James and Rose, even when you protested their coming to live with you. Our mistress is dying, my lord. Even I do not need powers of the undead to see she will perish soon. Her headaches persist. She suffers from not being able to eat. I fear if she dies now, you will regret your decision later. Let her have what she craves most, eternity with her soul mate.”
    Gabriel took in what George was saying and felt tears slide down his face. For the first time in centuries, he felt less a monster and more a man in love. Could he watch Emma die? Could he live without her? She seemed to want to spend her life with him as he was. The children loved her, he loved her, and it was clear the servants loved her. His heart, long ago dead, began to shake inside of his chest at the thought of her dying.
    A moment later the decision was taken entirely out of his hands. He felt Emma’s heart stop completely. In a panic, he came upon her bed and shook her slight body. She was unresponsive and pale.
    “Emma! Emma!”
    He prayed he had not waited too long. He bit into her delicate neck and sucked her life force from her body. Her heart shuddered and tried to beat, but was once again stopped. He drained her of blood, he then slashed at his own wrists and poured the liquid into her mouth and hoped she

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