Ravenous (Siren Publishing Classic)

Ravenous (Siren Publishing Classic) by Aubrey Brown

Book: Ravenous (Siren Publishing Classic) by Aubrey Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Brown
profusely, and for the first time in his life, he could smell the blood, but did not feel hunger, his emotions at her state were much worse.
    The man he threw grunted as he sat up. Blind with fury, Gabriel walked over to the man and said with fangs elongated, “Are you the duke?”
    When the man stared at Gabriel in terror, unable to answer, he shook him until his front teeth clacked together in affirmation.
    “Hear me now, duke, if you ever come near Emma again, I will kill you slowly and painfully,” he stated.
    “Gabriel, Gabriel,” Emma whispered.
    Gabriel threw the man to the floor and ran over to his Emma.
    “I am here, sweet, talk to me,” Gabriel insisted.
    George entered the room right behind him, detaining the duke with a booted foot.
    “Gabriel, you’re here. I dreamed you would come for me, perhaps I am dreaming now,” she whispered with her lips trembling and bleeding.
    Gabriel kept the tears at bay and answered her, “I came for you, never doubt that I would . I am taking you away from here. Back home where you belong. I must first take care of His Grace.”
    “Gabriel, please…do not harm him. They will come after you. They may hang you for killing a nobleman. Flee this place and leave. I do not want to see you find your end by a rope or a gun,” she pleaded.
    Such bravery, such beauty from this woman, how could he have ever doubted her? She was worried for him and his family, even though killing this man would end her nightmare.
    “I will not leave you here, do you understand me?” he bellowed.
    Gabriel stood and stated, “You are lucky, duke. Hear me now. If you ever seek Emma out, I will bring you a slow death.”
    Emma sighed and closed her eyes. Gabriel picked Emma up into his arms and transported the three back to the castle. It took but a few moments, but he sent his thoughts forward. The candles were burning brightly, just as was the metal tub full of warm water.
    Gabriel stripped Emma’s sodden clothing from her and vowed she would be protected and taken care of until the end of her time on this earth. When she was naked, he placed her into the tub to wash the blood from her bruised body. He looked at her pulse point and noted it was still weak. Her mouth and face and neck were so swollen he doubted she would be able to drink from him.
    George knocked upon the door and brought in her night clothes. Gabriel dressed her and placed her upon the bed.
    “Can you do anything for her, my lord?”
    “If you are asking whether I will cross her, no, I will not suffer her being the monster I am, to have no choice to live for eternity. We will care for her as if I had no powers at all,” Gabriel firmed.
    “She loves you, sir. Perhaps she would want to join you in living death?”
    “No, George, we will wait.”
    As the hours passed so did Gabriel’s patience. He wanted her to wake. He felt the early sun rise come upon him, but instead of moving below, he crawled into bed with Emma.
    I am to sleep with her, George. Please keep the rest of the servants from this room. Only you may enter.
    Aye, my lord, it shall be done.
    With that reassurance, Gabriel fell into the sleep of his own kind.
    When Gabriel awoke the next evening, Emma was still unconscious. He knew in his heart she would sleep for a very long time. She had been beaten and broken. He sat up and focused on her heartbeat. It was still weak, maybe weaker. Gabriel felt fear hit his mind for the first time. Her heart was becoming weaker.
    He bit into his wrist and felt his blood flow over his teeth. He then placed his arm over her mouth. Some trickled onto her tongue. He massaged her throat, and hoped she would swallow. After a time, with severe frustration, her body convulsed with shudders that indicated her blood was mixing with his. When she stopped moving, Gabriel sighed. He heard her heart beat back into rhythm. She was still bruised and swollen. However, his blood had healing agents within it that would heal her swiftly.

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