
Seduced by Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins

Book: Seduced by Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins
    “I just mean that most of your clothes are geared for colder weather.”
    I nod. I suppose that makes sense, but the prospect of shopping for, buying, and then packing a bunch of new clothes seems like too much. If it comes down to it, all I really need to do is let Ashley loose with my credit card. She could probably pick out a whole closet full of stuff within a couple of hours.
    “So, other than the bathtub, what do you miss?”
    “It will be nice to get back to work again,” he answers. “I guess the only thing I’m not looking forward to is being back in the public eye. That pressure is something I don’t think I’ll ever get used to.”
    A little bubble of anxiety starts to form in my stomach at his answer. Dealing with the public and the paparazzi definitely takes the top spot on my list of things to worry about in regards to the move. 
    “It’s not that bad, at least not all the time,” he quickly adds.
    I force myself to smile. I know he has a lot on his mind, and I don’t want to pile my stress on top of his and make it worse.
    Early the next morning, we pull up to the departures section at the Sea-Tac airport.
    “Kinda weird, being back here, huh?” Brandon asks, looking out the passenger side window.
    “Yeah, feels like it was a long time ago,” I answer. In reality, it has only been six weeks, but so much has changed in that amount of time. It feels very surreal in a lot of ways.
    He nods. “Ready?”
    I shake my head. “Are you sure you have to go?” I ask.
    “Yeah, I’m pretty sure,” he answers, laughing softly. “Before you know it, I’ll be picking you up from the airport, and we’ll be together again.”
    “I know.” I nod, but I feel tears starting to build. I blink quickly, wishing them away. “I don’t know why I’m so upset.”
    He takes my face in his hands and runs his thumbs along my cheeks. “It’s really going to be okay, I promise.”
    He kisses me slowly, and I try to memorize the moment. I know the next week is not going to be easy, and I will need this reminder of why I am turning my entire world upside down.
    “I love you, Cherry,” he says when he pulls out of the kiss.
    “I love you too.”
    He gives me another kiss before turning and getting out of the car. I get out and go around to the passenger side while he grabs his bag from the back seat. He pulls me into his arms and we stay like that for a long time, neither one of us wanting to break apart. There is chaos swirling around us, with people coming and going, horns honking, and people yelling, but we seem frozen in time.
    “You’re going to miss your flight,” I finally mumble into his shoulder.
    He releases me and gives me a final kiss on my forehead. “I’ll call you when I land,” he says, before heading towards the glass doors.
    I wave and watch him walk away, until I can’t see him in the crowd.
    I make the long drive home, completely exhausted. Brandon and I didn’t go to bed until well past midnight, and even once we were settled in, I couldn’t sleep. My mind refused to quiet down, and I spent most of the night running through my mental checklist of things I need to do in the next week before the move.
    Even though there are a hundred things to do, all I can think of is crawling back into bed and taking a nap. I rarely allow myself to nap, but I think in this case, I’ll make an exception.
    I round the corner and see someone sitting on my front steps. I squint a little, trying to make out who it is. Suddenly, it hits me and I gasp loudly and hit the brakes.
    My ex-boyfriend, James is sitting on my front porch.

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    Once again thank you, I hope you enjoyed it!
    Audra Cole
    Bella Love-Wins

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