Reality Hero

Reality Hero by Ashlynn Monroe

Book: Reality Hero by Ashlynn Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashlynn Monroe
secret identity on camera, and I would caution against bringing it up at all. He’ll tell you if you establish a real connection with him. If he’s not ready to tell you, and you ask, I’m betting it’ll be a sure way to get yourself eliminated. We start filming on the sixteenth. You’ll not be able to go to work, school, or home. We’ve rented a remote location for the filming, and when you go on your dates, he’ll be taking you by doing his poof thing. You’ll be going to some very exotic locales. This will be the chance of a lifetime. If you break any rules or speak to the media, you’ll find yourself terminated from the show immediately. Each of you has a contract in your packet outlining this specifically. I’d like for you all to take a moment to look over the terms before you start signing.”
    They were still eyeing her up like she was an unloved den mother in a sorority that just wanted to have fun. Dina bristled.
    She watched the women sort though the paperwork she’d given them. She could see some of them were reading carefully, but others seemed unconcerned about the details.
    “I’d like anyone who’s not comfortable with the terms of this agreement to leave now before any more is discussed. Otherwise, I need you to sign the privacy disclosure immediately.”
    They all signed. No one wanted to leave.
    Dina cleared her throat. “Mind Man is a very private person, and you can understand the importance of his work. He’s agreed to this for his own reasons. I won’t speak for him or about him. Does anyone have any questions at this point?”
    Ten voices spoke at once.
    Dina interrupted. “I don’t mean to treat you like juvenilely, but please raise your hands so we can maintain order.”
    She pointed to Candy, as the woman seemed very excited to ask her question. “Ms. Dell, how do you know Mind Man?”
    “I see I need to repeat myself. I’ll not discuss him or speak for him with you. I’m only the producer. He is in charge of how much he tells you about himself. My meeting with him is entirely private and not at all interesting, so please stop wondering or worrying about it.”
    She pointed to Virginia, who asked, “Do you know his secret identity?”
    “I just addressed this issue with you. Do you have a question not about what I do or don’t know about this man?”
    Pouting, Virginia slunk back in her seat.
    They all asked her various questions about him, all of them except Purity who sat very quietly, listening to it all. The contestants seemed unable to comprehend she wasn’t going to tell them anything personal about the hero or the man. Finally, she looked over at Purity and addressed her directly.
    “Thank you for being respectful of me. Would you like to ask any questions at this time?”
    Purity smiled sweetly. “You said he’ll be poofing us here or there. Is that dangerous? And has he tried to do it with another person before?”
    “That’s a very good question. I’m sure that it’s safe. He has assured me he’s taken others along when he’s disappeared before without any negative side effects.”
    They all signed the paperwork and agreed to meet at an undisclosed location. Dina planned to call them with the location that morning to minimize the odds of the media finding out where they’d be filming. If the paparazzi arrived, it would spell disaster for Zane and for her career.
    * * * *
    Zane stepped outside to run errands. A misty drizzle hung in the air, making the warm day extra muggy. Even a hero had to eat and go to the bank. He hated taking time away from his work during the day to go. When night fell he’d be too busy to catch up on the tedious tasks his day job required of him.
    When he’d first escaped the laboratory he’d started reading comic books. His youthful mind had hoped to gleam some sort of hope that he could reverse what’d been done to him, but of course they’d been good for nothing except entertainment. Comic book heroes always had exotic

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