Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)

Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) by Rachel Ryan, Eve Cassidy

Book: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) by Rachel Ryan, Eve Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Ryan, Eve Cassidy
hair and stare deep into her golden eyes.
    "It's not intentional. I'm sorry." Stopping before I reveal my true feelings to her, I turn around and start walking back toward the bus. Looking back to see if she's following me, I see her standing there with a sad look in her eyes.
    "What's wrong?"
    She looks down at the ground and I hear her soft voice "I thought we were friends.
    When she looks back up at me, the sadness in her beautiful amber eyes makes me feel like a total asshole. Walking to her slowly I place my right hand on her shoulder and bend slightly to stare straight into her eyes.
    "We are friends, Ava. I just… I haven't had many female friends before. Sometimes I act strange, but I promise you it isn't because I don't want to be your friend. I really care about you, Ava."
    Is it my imagination, or is she slowly inching her face closer to mine. Nervously, I run my tongue along my bottom lip and her eyes snap down to my mouth. She reaches a hand up to cover mine that is still resting on her shoulder and when she touches me I feel warmth spread through my body. Her slightest touch has my heart racing and my breathing labored. How does this girl cause this reaction in me? Does she feel it too? I'm guessing from the way she is still staring at my mouth like she wants to devour it that she does. Suddenly an image of Jeremy's face pops into my mind. Fuck! What am I doing? I quickly drop my hand and take a step back away from her. She blinks her eyes a couple of times and then her eyes drift away from mine and she looks down at the ground again.
    "Come on. Let's go for a run." I start jogging backwards and wait for her to follow me. As we run along, side by side, I mentally remind myself that the sexy, gorgeous girl beside me was hooking up with my best friend last night. She is definitely off limits!

Chapter 11
    Pulling the door closed behind me I stomp past the bunks and rummage through the draw to find my body wash and hair care products.
    "Ava is that you?"
    "Yeah, sorry. Did I wake you Em?"
    "Yeah, but that's okay. You sound angry are you all right?"
    "Ugh, I just have no idea what his problem is but he thinks he has a say in what I do."
    "No Brody."
    "Why? What happened?"
    I hear Tori's voice from above Emma's bunk. "What are you two talking about at this time of the morning?"
    "It's a long story. How about breakfast and I can fill you both in." Emma finally opens up her curtain and speaks to me.
    "Yeah and fill me in on last night too."
    Both girls start laughing as they realize from my short "oh" that I had forgotten about last night. Picking up my stuff I rush to the bathroom.
    Turning the taps on I undress myself and quickly step in. Adjusting the water I wash my body all over as I recall the events of last night. Dancing with Jeremy was hot and I wasn't just dancing, I was grinding on him. I can't believe I straddled him in front of other people and I was even moaning. I must have looked like the biggest slut ever. I can never face the band again. No wonder Brody was a jerk this morning he probably thinks I'm a huge skank. That is not me, I never do that. Well I have once or twice but I was super drunk both those times. Suddenly, a pounding on the door brings me from my thoughts.
    "Hurry up and get out of the shower, otherwise, by the time we are all ready it might be lunchtime."
    "Sorry Tori I'm all done."
    Finally after two hours the three of us are walking down the streets of San Francisco to find a nice café to have breakfast in. We have walked past three cafés so far; each of them looked extremely busy and we need some quiet after suffering a headache from last night. Stopping outside of a café we look inside.
    "It looks good, not too many people inside."
    Looking at Tori I smile "Yeah I think this one will do." Walking in, we find a table and each grab a menu. After ordering three coffees, three waters, two French toast and fruit salad I tell the girls about this

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