freezing out here.’
    ‘Country air is supposed to be good for you,’ David Christie reminded her.
    A light breeze rustled the trees of the wood, stirring the fallen leaves which already. carpeted the ground.
    ‘Anyway,’ said David, ‘I thought you liked it in the open air.’
    ‘I do when it’s a nice sunny day. Not in the middle of the night,’ Sue said indignantly.
    ‘Well, I like it anytime,’ he told her, grabbing one of her small breasts. ‘I’ll soon warm you up.’
    Sue giggled, then gripped his testicles, squeezing hard. ‘You’re supposed to be gentle,’ she said, smiling.
    David winced; his privates were quite sensitive enough without that kind of attention. He yelped in pain and she released her hold.
    ‘How do you know about this place, anyway?’ Sue asked as they wandered deeper into the wood.
    ‘I’ve been out here a couple of times with my mates,’ he informed her. ‘We used to bring our air rifles here. Got a couple of rabbits once.’
    ‘That’s cruel,’ she told him. muttering as she snagged her sleeve on a low branch. ‘Oh, God, how much further? My clothes will be ruined.’
    ‘How far do you want to go?’ he asked, pulling her close to him and stealing a brief kiss. She tasted the warmth of his tongue and wanted more. She gripped the back of his neck and pulled him to her, kissing more deeply. As they pressed together she could feel his erection pushing against her thigh and she reached down to rub it through the material of his trousers. David responded by sliding one hand up inside her short leather skirt, his fingers first gliding over the soft material of her stockings before brushing bare skin. He probed further, eagerly stroking the crutch of her knickers, feeling the coils of pubic hair pressed tightly against the sheer fabric.
    ‘This is far enough, Dave.’ she whispered, leaning back against a tree.
    They kissed long and hard, each one’s tongue deeply probing the other’s mouth. Sue let out a slight gasp as she felt him push her long brown hair away from her neck and nip the flesh with his teeth. He repeated the action on the other side of her neck. She slid both hands inside his shirt and massaged his chest and back with firm quick strokes, concentrating on the small of his back and the area just above his belt. After two years together they knew each other’s wants and needs perfectly, at least in a physical sense. Both of them had experienced sex before during their twenty years but neither had found it so stimulating with anyone else. Both were unemployed and had plenty of time for sex, but it had not yet lost its novelty value for either of them. In fact, if anything, it was getting better.
    As Sue surrendered to the feelings coursing through her, she thought briefly of what her parents would say if they knew she was with David. Neither of them liked him very much, unlike her elder sister’s boyfriend. Now he was a ‘nice’ boy. More their type.
    Their type, she thought irritably. It wasn’t them who had to spend time with him. But her sister, Barbara, could do no wrong. She had a job, and her wonderful bloody boyfriend went to university. It was a match made in heaven as far as her parents were concerned. Barbara hadn’t been arrested for smoking pot when she was seventeen. Barbara hadn’t cost them three hundred pounds for an abortion when she was nineteen.
    Barbara hadn’t done anything, had she? It was always Sue.
    The vision of her parents faded as Sue felt David’s roving tongue flicking its way down between her breasts while his hands skilfully unfastened the buttons of her blouse. She wore no bra and he found her small breasts firm and eager for his touch. He flicked at the swollen nipples, drawing each one in turn between his teeth, rolling his tongue around the stiff cones of flesh.
    He knelt on the damp earth, unzipping her skirt, smiling as she wriggled out of it and thrust her pelvis towards him. He nuzzled her mound through her

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