
Relinquished by K.A. Hunter Page B

Book: Relinquished by K.A. Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Hunter
Tags: thriller, Romance
shoulder. “That’s why the judge took mercy on me.  My court appointed lawyer told the judge that I’d only been driving because I was trying to stop Scott. After that, I didn’t really care what they did to me.” 
    His face fell, but I saw no pity, only genuine concern. “What did you do after that?”
    “When I was walking out of the courthouse, there was a guy there with my duffle bag, which freaked me out.”
    Holden frowned. “Who was the guy? What did he want?”
    “Turns out, he was a friend of Scott’s. He wouldn’t tell me much, except that Scott talked to him a few days before the race and gave him instructions to look for me in case there was a problem. He gave me my bag and an envelope with the money Scott and I had been saving up and a note.”
    “What did it say?” he asked carefully, almost as if he was ready for me to shut down.  But I’d gone this far.
    The corners of my mouth lowered as I shook my head. “He said that I was in danger and shouldn’t ever go back to the house.  To use the money to get far away and start a new life.  What it didn’t say was how he knew something was going to happen, and I’ve racked my brain since, wondering what was going on that I didn’t know.”
    I spaced out, still wondering those same questions. “The next day, I jumped on a train and moved back to Pasadena. I’ve been bouncing around from one motel to another, working shitty jobs ever since.” Glorious life, right?
    Holden swallowed. “Did anything ever come of the warning?”
    “I can only assume he was talking about retaliation from the other street team. They were our only enemies, but since one of them died along with Scott, I figured there wasn’t any revenge to be had.  I left town anyway, just in case.” I reached out for my drink. The sweetness of it was a total contrast to my mood. Quietly, I added, “I admit, I do sometimes feel like I’m being watched.  I’m sure it’s just my paranoia, though.”
    “When do you feel that?” His body went somewhat stiff, and he intently peered at my face, as if he was searching for answers.  It was like a trigger had gone off in his head that shit just got real, and he needed information pronto.
    But I didn’t want him to worry about me. Nonchalantly, I pushed a few stray hairs behind my ear. “I don’t know, just here and there.  When I’m walking somewhere or when I’m at the library.  I’m sure it’s just my imagination.  I mean, if they wanted to do something to me, they already would’ve.  It’s not like I’m hiding, out of reach.”
    We sat in comfortable silence for a while as he rubbed his thumb back and forth across my knuckles. “I can help you, Jules.  Please let me.”
    I shook my head, needing him to understand. “That’s exactly why I haven’t said anything.  I need to figure this stuff out on my own.  I can’t let you sweep me up and take care of me.”
    He huffed through his nose. “Why not?”
    The waitress chose that moment to come by. “Can I get you anything else?”
    Holden shot her a dirty look, surprising me. “No, just the check thank you.”
    Without another word, she dropped it off, then rolled her eyes as she turned and sauntered away. Earlier she’d looked at him like she wanted to eat him rather than serve him, which had bugged me, so I wasn’t heartbroken that she now thought he was a dick.
    “Please give me one good reason why I can’t help you.” His pleading tone was getting to me.
    “Because I don’t function that way,” I said, getting defensive. “I have to look out for myself. I always have.”
    A spark of anger flashed in his eyes as if I was just being a stubborn child. “But I care about you, Jules. You’re not alone anymore, and you deserve a fresh start.”
    I took a deep breath, speaking calmly but firmly. “I care about you, too, but that doesn’t matter when it comes to earning my way. It’s just a part of who I am. Holden, I’m not one of your broken

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