Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1)

Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1) by Ron Francis

Book: Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1) by Ron Francis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Francis
slowly entered his room. She had just finished her surveillance run and had no doubt been told by Stephen what had occurred. She was glistening with sweat from the run and he began to feel warm himself.
    "So, you heard about the prophecy," she asked as she sat on the bed next to him.
    "Not really, I heard that I'm supposed to be some child of destiny or something. I have no idea what that means or what the prophecy is, or anything. Is there a reason you people have to torture me with glimpses and half truths while always leaving the important details just beyond my reach? Have I done something to offend the Ethereal race? What's the deal?" He was so frustrated he could scream, but he didn't want to take any of it out on Abby after learning how sensitive Shifters can be, and everything that had happened yesterday. He felt like they were almost to a point of forgiving each other, and he didn't want to risk it. He looked into her piercing jade eyes and thought he could lose himself forever in them.
    "Thomas, I'm really sorry about misleading you, and not telling you who I was. If I had it to do differently, I would."
    "How about we pretend this week didn't happen and we just start over." He was so attracted to her, and maybe it was the bond, or maybe it was how good she looked, but he no longer wanted to be angry with her.
    "That's a great idea. Thank you. I'll even show you some pictures of us when we were little. You really don't remember me? How about Staten Island, PS29, do you remember any of it?
    "I kind of remember Staten Island. I almost remember PS29; it's more of an impression than a memory. It was a red brick building, right? Maybe three or four stories?"
    She grinned and replied, "Yep, four stories, right on the corner of Victory and Slosson. See, you do remember."
    "Almost, but it's really just a vague picture."
    "That's all right, it will all come back." Abby was gentle when she placed her hand on his arm and began to rub it back and forth in a rhythmic motion. She looked him in the eye and replied, "And don't worry, we will sit down with Asa as soon as he returns, and you can ask him anything you want." She left her hand on his arm, hoping to have a calming effect.
    "That's just it, Abby!" He leapt up, causing her to awkwardly withdraw her arm. "I don't want to ask him anything. If I ask him things he only has to answer what I ask, I want him to tell me everything I need to know! This way, I won't keep getting hit with these bombshells. Every bit of this is new and difficult for me and you guys are prolonging the agony. Every time I come to terms with something, something else pops up and then it's the same process all over again. I don't want to keep going through this, I want it to be done so I can accept it and move on already. This isn't easy for me." He knew this attitude was a bi-product of the artificial cautious nature he had been given. It was the main reason he liked working at the post office, when his route was over, it was over. He didn't need to worry about something important that he'd missed popping up later.
    She stood and moved to comfort him. She placed her hand on his chest and looked him in the eye. "All will be revealed when Asa returns, trust me," she replied while her hand remained on his chest. He was so attracted to her and she looked so good. Then there were those eyes. He started to lose himself until he couldn't stand it anymore; he leaned in to kiss her gently on the lips, and she kissed him back. A few minutes later the pain retuned and Thomas' frustration returned with it.
    "I can't stand this, Abby, how do we make this pain stop?"
    "Once the betrothal ceremony is complete it will stop," she began. "But we need to get you trained before that."
    "Why...?" Thomas began but was interrupted by Asa's arrival.
    He studied them with a hint of disdain. "Clean yourself up, Abby, we will all speak in the living room in ten minutes." He closed the door behind him. Thomas left next and Abby went

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