RETALI8ION: The Cobalt Code

RETALI8ION: The Cobalt Code by Amber Neko Meador

Book: RETALI8ION: The Cobalt Code by Amber Neko Meador Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Neko Meador
standing there, talking about nothing, hoping to catch Mr. Daniels if he left the building.  But they were trying."
    "You wanna give them back their feed?" Regina asked.
    Artemis tilted his head at the screens.  "Nah."
    Regina laughed a bit.  “And you said it yourself.  Time was of the essence.”
    “It still probably is,” Yosha said.  “We broke just about every net law we could today.  Now that this is playing, we should probably get the hell out of here.  I would assume it will only take them about thirty or forty minutes to figure out who has hijacked their feeds.  Then another twenty or so to rain hell down on us.”
    “I really wish you were right, but I don't think you are,” Grendal's announced over the comms.  "Looks like someone was tracking us down before your little pirate broadcast started."
    “What!?” all three on the platform blurted out.
    “Yeah, the power is being cut in this sector, one block at a time,” Amina said over the comms.  “We need to go, like right now.  Melt the system, and get the fuck out!”
    “They got a couple of attack choppers coming in from the south it looks like.  This shit is about to get real.  Take the hogs.  We'll play caboose,” Grendal continued.
    “ Kuso !” Artemis cursed as he picked up a few things.  “Galatea, go ahead and transfer to the secure server.”
    “Understood,” Galatea replied.
    Regina looked around.  “Where's Thomas?  Thomas!”
    No reply came.
    "Why can't he hear me?" Regina asked furiously.
    "Looks like our area is being jammed.  Give me a sec," Amina replied.
    "Thomas doesn't have a sec," Regina stated.
    “Do you want help finding him?” Yosha asked.
    “No, go ahead.  Get the frack outta here.  I'm sure he heard me yell, and is heading back this way,” Regina replied, as she picked up her trench coat and her belt.
    "It looks like they are using the same kind of disruption field they used when Thomas was picking up the drop.  We only have access to each other on the short range frequencies at the moment," Amina announced unenthusiastically.
    "He probably went out for more food.  I'll go get him," Regina stated bluntly.
    “Okay.  We'll see you there,” Artemis said as he started down the ramp.
    “No, go ahead.  Leave the second you get it.  There are two road hogs down there, I'll just take the second one,” Regina replied quickly.
    “She's right.  And we need to go.  Now,” Yosha yelled, already headed towards a door.
    Regina yelled again.  “Thomas!”
    Still she heard no reply.
    "How much time do I have before they are on us?" Regina asked.
    "Not much. Thermals are already showing incoming ground troops to the east," Amina replied quickly.
    “Thomas!” Regina yelled a third time, as she started running down the hallway Thomas had brought her the rat through earlier.  Hoping perhaps that he had gone out again to find him and her some food.  They hadn't been eating regularly today.
    The main lights went out, and small red emergency lights came on in their place.
    “Here,” came the faintest of replies from Thomas over the comms.
    “Where is here, Thomas!?” Regina yelled, continuing down the hallway.
    "Front office," Thomas replied hurriedly.
    "Head to me, Thomas.  We're under attack!"
    "Yep," Thomas replied.
    As Regina exited the hallway, she saw Thomas about eighty meters away exiting a doorway to her right, and heading towards her.
    An explosion rocked the building in front of Regina, knocking her to the ground.
    Regin sat up quickly so she could see what had happened.  A large hole had been blasted in the side warehouse.  Looking to Thomas, she saw him stand to his feet and start towards her again.  Regina looked back at the hole, and then through it.  There she saw several black-clad Enforcers heading towards the opening.
    "Stop," Regina yelled.  She then made a hand a quick hand signal towards Thomas.
    Thomas stopped, and tilted his head at Regina.
    Regina again,

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