Retribution (Redemption Series)

Retribution (Redemption Series) by R.K. Ryals

Book: Retribution (Redemption Series) by R.K. Ryals Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.K. Ryals
following a new leader. The Exiles have chosen who they will stand
    The look in his eyes said it all, and I
gasped. The sharp intake of breath next to me alerted me to Sophia's mutual
    "Her?" Sophia asked
    I shook my head.
    "No," I said slowly as I
turned to face the corner of the room, the edges of my mouth lifting. "Him."
    And with that, I moved toward Marcas , each step causing my heart to soar. He was no
longer trapped by the Seal. We were no longer bound. I didn't know what that
meant for us, for the future, for the roles we would have to play now, but I
was willing to find out.
    Luther backed away as I kneeled in front
of Marcas , my hands coming to rest on his shoulders.
Pain shot through my system, and I knew his power didn't recognize me anymore.
I almost pulled away, but one of Marcas ' hands came
to rest over mine on his shoulder, and he didn't let go. His head lifted.
    This was my chance. I had gone too long
leaving too many things unsaid.
    "I love you," I whispered, my
voice so low the only other person who could have heard was Luther.
    Marcas smiled
crookedly, only one corner of his mouth lifting as his hand tightened on mine.
    "It was only a matter of
time," he said.
    Luther choked on a laugh, and I narrowed
my eyes.
    "Arrogance does not suit you,"
I warned, releasing one of his shoulders to crook a finger in his face.
    Marcas was suddenly
serious, his gaze moving over my face, and I felt instantly shy and dirty. I
was still in the same too long, grey cotton pants and oversized black t-shirt I
had been in when I had entered the Seal. My feet were bare, my body covered in
dried blood, both from Marcas and Luther. I had no
doubt my hair was hopelessly tangled.
    Marcas lifted my chin
with his finger, his gaze locked on mine.
    "It suits you," he said.
    I smiled. Arrogance was definitely
something I was beginning to develop. It was past time. Being overconfident was
annoying and never good, but being a little proud was something everyone
    Marcas looked away
from me, his eyes lifting to a point behind my shoulder, and I knew by the
shadow against the wall it was Bezaliel . Marcas didn't release me.
    "What are your plans, Son?" Bezaliel asked, his words even.
    Bezaliel wasn't the type
to beat around the bush, and I knew Marcas wasn't the
type to skirt an issue either. Marcas didn't flinch.
    "I have some things to take care of
in Hell."
    Bezaliel was silent only
    "You intend to fight?" Bezaliel asked.
    Marcas nodded, his eyes full of a determination that frightened me.
    "Lucifer fully intends to destroy all
of the children born to Lilith and Cain. There are thousands of us out there.
There are enough of us to build our own kingdom. Exiles of
Hell. We have the same right to Exile as the Angels who chose to leave
    "I agree," Bezaliel said slowly. "And I will agree to follow you. All of us. The Exiles will help you fight for that right. Under one
    Marcas ' eyes grew
hard. I couldn't see my father's expression, but I knew by the look on Marcas ' face that it wasn't a good one.
    "I'm not good with
conditions," Marcas said.
    Luther moved next to Marcas ,
his eyes on Bezaliel's face.
    "What's the condition?" Luther
asked, ignoring the warning look that Marcas threw
his way.
    Bezaliel's shadow shifted
    "That afterwards, you walk away
from my daughter."

    Chapter 10

    The balance has shifted. With a new Exile group
rising up from Hell, the Underworld is losing power. The threat of war on Earth
will lessen. But there are some balances that should never be tested. There are
alliances too dangerous. Angels should never be linked to Demons.

    ~ Bezaliel ~

    What the hell? I knew my eyes were wide,
my heart a pounding mess in my chest, and the only thing I wanted to do was
turn around and curse my father a blue streak, but Marcas still held me securely in place. His eyes moved to mine a moment before he
looked away, and I felt

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