
Return by Jordan Summers

Book: Return by Jordan Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
Tags: Romance, Erotic
away from Orion’s chest—until he dropped his pants.
    Good God, what in the hell was that? And why was it silver?
    She blinked. Then did so again, but it remained unchanged. Well that wasn’t exactly true. It was growing, rising like a leviathan out of the dark nest of curls surrounding it.
    Brigit felt her eyes bug out of her head. Where did he think he was going to put that monster? She reached over and grabbed the measuring tape from the bedside table.
    “What are you doing?” he asked stepping out of reach.
    “Humor me, I have to know. What is your length?”
    Warily, he watched her hands move toward his shaft. “Length? I know not what you mean.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. You mean to tell me you’ve never measured that thing?” she asked pointing at his cock, incredulity filling her voice. “I don’t believe it.”
    “Why would I? I’ve never had complaints.” He crossed his arms over his massive chest. “Quite the contrary.”
    Brigit snorted. “I bet not. That would be like spitting on Santa for bringing you a new sports car on Christmas morning.”
    Orion blinked. “You speak in riddles. Who is this Santa? Translate.”
    “You really are a trip.” She shook her head, ignoring the strange sensation in her gut that told her something wasn’t right. “You have to know that you’re hung like…like… Well let’s just say I’m going to start calling you Godzilla.”
    His face reddened and his nostrils flared. White lines bracketed his thinning lips. “I know not what creature you’re comparing me to but you should know I do not appreciate your harsh words.”
    Brigit laughed then, she couldn’t help it. Since when did a guy get pissed over his anatomy being compared to a gigantic lizard? “You are a very strange man, Orion. Gorgeous, but strange.”
    “I assure you I am quite acceptable where I come from. Women all over the galaxy seek me out.”
    “I have no doubt. You want to tell me where you got those rings?” Brigit pointed casually, but she could feel her face heating under his perusal and her hand shook. Crap! She locked her fingers behind her.
    “They were applied on Katron . I was young and foolish at the time, but they’ve since served me well.” His lips quirked upward.
    Brigit arched a brow and then inched closer. “Do you know the rings are beginning to glow?”
    “Yes,” he purred like a Bengal tiger nursing a bucket of milk. “I can feel them.” The smile that spread across his face was positively illegal.
    Brigit stepped back instantly, her body on alert. “What?”
    “Would you like to see what else they can do?” He removed the mask she’d given him and strode forward, leaving his uniform pooling at his feet.
    She grunted and scooted back. There had to be a battery pack somewhere. “I-I don’t think so, hotshot. I believe I’ve seen enough.” But she hadn’t, not really. If she were brutally honest with herself, Brigit would admit that she could stare at him forever. Her heart somersaulted at the thought. It would be so easy to fall for this man. Part of her already had.
    “You may have seen enough, but you have yet to experience my Katronian rings. They say the rings can transport a woman to another galaxy.” He licked his bottom lip and inched forward, stalking her.
    Her body thrummed at the prospect of him catching her, but her mind had other ideas. Brigit glanced around, looking for a quick escape. Orion was bigger than she was and probably a lot faster, which wouldn’t take much since she never ran anywhere, for anything, not even to catch a cab. She’d make an exception now.
    Could she make it to the door before him? As if he’d read her mind, Orion pounced, knocking her to the bed. He landed on top of her, keeping the bulk of his weight balanced on his elbows, pinning Brigit to the mattress from the waist down.
    She squeaked. Not a very ladylike sound, but it was the best she could muster given the circumstances. She inhaled. Her

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