Return To The Bear
against his throat as he pushed past the others. Cameron, Riker and Hannah followed him into his room as the other shifters of Bear Valley wondered to their own rooms.
    A knock on the d oor sounded before he’d even laid the towels down on the bed and set her across them. Cameron let Daria in and the woman hesitated only a moment at the sight of Joanna’s stomach before she went to work, digging through a giant plastic bin of medical supplies she’d toted in.
    Brody pulled a pair of jeans and a stretchy black T-shirt on and paced behind Daria. The woman’s gray hair was pulled back and the light fixture highlighted the white streaks running from her temples. He bit at the edge of his thumbnail as Riker sat Hannah down on the other bed and pressed an antiseptic wipe onto a trio of gashes near her mouth. She’d fought whoever injured her face. Brave Hannah.
    “Brody,” Daria said without turning. “She’ll need to eat when she wakes up. Track down something with meat in it.”
    “I don’t want to leave her.”
    Daria turned just enough for him to see the sliver of inhuman gray color in her eyes. “I need you to get her some food. I can’t have you growling at my back while I work on her. I’ll be done by the time you get back and you won’t have to leave her again. Please.”
    Roughly, Brody scratched the back of his head and tapered the growl he hadn’t realized he was making. He snatched his keys from the bedside table, strode to the door, and threw it open. Gritting his teeth, he turned back. Whatever Hannah and Jo had been through, they’d bonded over it. “I’m sorry for earlier. Will you stay with her in case she wakes up before I get back?”
    “Of course,” Hannah said, like she’d already planned on it.
    “Thanks,” he said gruffl y and shut the door behind him.
    Stretching his neck to let the breeze cool his skin, he sighed. Away from Joanna, it was easy to see his mistake. Simple to r emember just how badly he’d messed up both of their lives. But when he was near her, all he could think about was making her as comfortable as possible. He wanted to make her happy, to touch her.
    It scared him so deeply , he wanted to run away and never look back.
    Time and time again, Joanna was lulled back to sleep by the soft patter of rainfall outside the window. She didn’t remember where she was, but she wasn’t awake enough to care quite yet either. All she knew was she was warm, and numb, and safe, and it had been so long since she’d felt like this, she gave into sleep as much as her body would allow.
    When at last she felt unable to laze around anymore, she inhaled deeply and stretched. A familiar scent lingered on the air conditioner current breezing against her face. A masculine smell—woods, animal and the sharp tang of man’s skin. Her stomach ached as she pressed her hands flat against the cold headboard and pointed her toes. The ache transformed into a burn, and then to searing pain. Gasping, she sat up and gripped her middle. It was covered in bandages and she searched the dark room for any indication of where she was. It was small, a hotel room or maybe a bed and breakfast. Outside, it was dark but the clouds had parted enough to let moonlight through the open window. Burgundy curtains fluttered on either side. When she turned to squint into the dark, she yelped as she saw Brody sitting on the edge of another bed, his knee drawn up and his eyes glowing like a roadside animal who’d been caught in the high beams.
    “Where am I?”
    “A hotel room in Hyattville.”
    “Where are Hannah and the others?”
    “Hannah hasn’t seen her mate in a couple of days. They needed time alone. The others have rooms in this hotel. I brought you clothes and food. It’s cold now but Daria said you need to eat.”
    The mention of food did bring and instantaneous response from her grumbling stomach. “Did you already eat?”
    He shook his head slowly.
    She tried to hide the hope in her voice.

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