
Revealed by P. C. & Kristin Cast

Book: Revealed by P. C. & Kristin Cast Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. C. & Kristin Cast
me to think about Aphrodite throwing a fit, I knew Stevie Rae was right. I was trying to weigh whether it would be worth the fight or not when Aurox spoke up.
    “I’ll stay with the fledglings,” he said.
    I blinked in surprise at him. “But you just said you wanted to room with Damien because the other kids looked at you in a weird way.”
    “That doesn’t mean I want them to be without protection. I rarely sleep, so I could easily watch over them. And I like being able to help you.” He hesitated, and then added, “Your grandmother helped me. It’s only right that I, in turn, help you.”
    His moonstone-colored eyes held my gaze until Stark’s voice intruded. “Sounds good. And you’re right. You do need to help us out.”
    “How about this—I’ll go with you, so we’ll still be roomies,” Damien told Aurox. “I seem to have a way of smoothing over awkward situations.”
    “He does,” Rephaim agreed. “Damien helped the kids accept me. I’ll bet he can do the same for you.”
    “That’s a lovely thing for you to say!” Damien’s grin lit him up from within, and I thought how nice it was to see him happy.
    “So that’s settled,” Stark said. “Okay, Z, are you almost done eating? You said you wanted to check on Aphrodite, and I need to see Darius—he’ll probably know where Dragon’s storage room is. We can kill two birds and all.”
    I gave the rest of my psaghetti a longing look, but it didn’t seem all that appetizing anymore—not with Stark glowering at Aurox, Aurox sending me little looks, and everyone else watching the three of us. I gulped my brown pop and put on my best fake smile. “I’m done! Let’s go!”
    “The rest of us can round up our red fledglings,” Stevie Rae said. “Since Dragon used it to store weapons, it would figure that the basement is close to the field house. How ’bout we meet in there in an hour or so?”
    “Sounds good,” I said. Stark put his arm possessively around me and spider monkeyed me from our booth. When we got to the cafeteria door he paused and, in full sight of everyone, pulled me into his arm and kissed me. I mean,
kissed me—with his tongue and everything.
    Okay, I absolutely like kissing Stark, but I’m not into PDA. I mean, I like to hold Stark’s hand in public. I even usually like it when he puts his arm around me (which he usually does in a nice way, and not a clingy, spider monkey way), but we don’t make out in public. Ever. So my face felt really hot with mortification when he unlocked his lips from mine, put his arm back around me, and practically dragged me out of the cafeteria—while shooting a
over his shoulder at the table and, of course, at Aurox.
    I wanted to smack him in the face.
    Instead, as soon as we were outside, I untangled myself from him and held his hand. Like normal.
    He didn’t say anything. He just gave me his cute, cocky smile.
    I stifled a shriek of irritation and ignored the hot anger building inside me. If I told him how annoying and stupid he was being, it would just cause a fight between us, and we had way more important issues to deal with than Stark acting like a jealous jerk.
    Plus, I wasn’t interested in Aurox. Stark would figure that out pretty soon and, hopefully, stop with his possessiveness.
    But you are interested in Heath,
a terrible little voice whispered inside me.
And Heath’s soul is shared with Aurox.
    I reminded the whispering voice that Stark was my Warrior, my Guardian, my lover, and my friend.
    And what is Heath?
I told myself sternly. But even though I tried to shut my heart and mind to it, the echo of our psaghetti song sang within me.

    “She still sleeps,” Darius said, keeping his voice low and closing the door to Aphrodite’s dorm room softly behind him.
    “It’s really late. Is she okay?” I asked, feeling weird standing out in the hall and whispering.
    “She will be.” Darius said. “Last night was difficult for

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