Revealed: A Prince and A Pregnancy

Revealed: A Prince and A Pregnancy by Kelly Hunter Page B

Book: Revealed: A Prince and A Pregnancy by Kelly Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Hunter
Tags: Fiction
could not have all three. Right or wrong, I chose to stay. You chose to leave.’
    ‘I had to leave,’ he said curtly.
    ‘I know that,’ she said. ‘Josien…I know how she treated you…I knew you only stayed as long as you did in order to protect Gabrielle from her rages. I always knew you’d leave. I’ve never blamed you for that.’
    ‘I blamed you,’ he said. ‘Hell, I blamed you for everything. It got me through the early days of being alone.’
    ‘Happy to help,’ she said faintly.
    His lips twisted. ‘I don’t know where I’m going with this, Simone. I don’t know what I want from you. Anger. Absolution. Affection. I’ve got no idea.’
    That made two of them. ‘You know what I thought when Gabrielle told me the wedding would be held in Australia and that you were to be Luc’s best man?’ she said tentatively. ‘I thought that finally, finally , I might be able to make my apologies and move on. I wanted to let go of the thought of you.’ They’d reached her tiny courtyard. ‘I wanted to stop measuring every man I met against you.’
    ‘And have you?’ he asked quietly as he leaned against the wall, nightcap in one hand and watchfulness in his eyes.
    ‘Well, I certainly have a new measure of man in place.’ Unfortunately, it was still firmly based on him. ‘Whether it serves me any better than the old one remains to be seen.’ Simone fished the key to the sliding door from her evening bag and went about unlocking it and sliding the door wide open. Surrendering her shoesat the door, Simone slipped inside, not daring to turn and see if Rafael had followed her.
    She switched on the dining-room lamp, belatedly remembering that she’d left the room in a shambles and that the dining table had been awash with morsels of food meant to tempt Gabrielle into eating something before the ceremony. It wasn’t awash with food any more. Someone, probably the magnificent Sarah, had whisked it all away and tidied up in the process. ‘How do you think Sarah, Inigo, and the chef would feel about relocating to France?’ she asked, only half in jest.
    ‘I think Deidre who owns the guest house would shoot you.’ Rafael had ventured inside after all. Heaven help them both.
    ‘Just checking.’ Simone’s mouth suddenly felt very dry as Rafael set the Frangelico down on the counter and headed for the refrigerator. He found the jug of water and poured some into a tall glass. He poured one for her too. It sat there on the counter, untouched, a decision she did not want to make for fear that she would get it wrong. Princess or wanton? She could be either, and sometimes both, but Rafael did not want the wanton. No. For all his mockery, it was the princess he responded to. The princess who’d earned his compliments, and so it was that the princess stood before him now, trying desperately to appear composed and in control of her wayward emotions.
    ‘Are you heading off in the morning?’ he said.
    ‘Yes. Yes, to Sydney for a day before I fly out.’ She hadn’t wanted to linger. Not with Gabrielle and Luc gone and this so very clearly Rafael’s territory.
    ‘Whereabouts in Sydney?’
    ‘The Four Seasons.’
    He nodded. ‘Will you be able to find it okay?’
    ‘The car has GPS.’
    He nodded again. Conversation stalled. It was time to let go. Time to start dreaming of a life without an angel in it, avenging or otherwise.
    Simone stepped woodenly towards him and held out her hand. She would weep once he’d gone but right now she gave him what he wanted and played the princess as she said goodbye. ‘Good luck with Etienne tomorrow.’
    He looked at her and something flickered behind his eyes. He ignored her hand. Put the tips of his fingers to her cheek and kissed her softly on the lips. ‘That’s for the princess who helped make my sister’s wedding day a memorable one.’
    Her lips clung; she couldn’t help it. He meant too much to her, this man, and always had.
    Rafael’s gaze sought hers, searing

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