Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)

Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray

Book: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
my feet the next morning. Not only did I do the next wake up duty with Hope but I also did every one after that. It seems I pissed off Lake more than I realised last night by asking questions because, after I came back from the first shift, I walked back into the bedroom to find her gone.
    I’m still unsure if it was because I woke up spooning her or if it was what she revealed last night. How she thinks she deserves the life she’s been given is fucking stupid. No one deserves that. No one.
    Her words still echo inside my head. She seemed so sad, her words so dark and for someone so beautiful with so much light inside of her, I find it hard to believe she truly believes that about herself. If she does, I’ll have fun showing her differently. She should be bathed in love, given everything she ever needed and... fuck, I sound like a fucking pussy.
    Shit, I’m turning into Myles.
    That shit needs to end right now.
    Its mid morning by the time I get Hope settled again and I’m on my tenth cup of coffee. The front door opens and in walks a tired looking Denny and Mason, both looking worse for wear. If I wasn’t so tired I’d say something witty but I just want my bed.
    “How’s your brother’s girlfriend and kid?’’ is all I manage to get out.
    “Good, they’re all good,’’ she smiles sadly.
    “Good,’’ I yawn.
    “Dude, you look like shit. You get any sleep?’’ Mason asks and then I notice Denny looking around for Lake.
    “She’s not here,’’ I tell her, then look over to my brother with a deadpan expression. “I slept like a baby, Mason. Up every few fucking hours. I’m knackered. I need a break. You’re going to have to watch her for a bit. I’m going to bed,’’ I shout out and then groan when I hear Hope start crying.
    “Nice one, dickhead, you scared her awake.’’
    “I’m going. I can’t even argue,’’ I yawn again. “I’ll be back in a bit to go over the stag party,’’ I wave off. I get up, walk up to Denny and give her a hug and kiss. Mason growling is something I’m used to whenever I’m near Denny, so I make him sweat by hugging her harder.
    Chuckling when Mason pulls me away, I walk back into the front room to Hope. She fell asleep in her bouncer not even twenty minutes ago. Leaning down, I kiss her head.
    “Princess, I love you, but I’m popping home to do that thing you couldn’t seem to do all night... Sleep.’’
    “Wait till you have kids of your own,’’ Denny giggles.
    I turn, giving her a small smile. “Some lucky fucker would be thrilled to have kids with me,’’ I tell her before leaving.
    No one knows that I don’t want kids. I mean, how could they? They’ve never even asked. They look at me, see a player and that’s as far as it goes. Then they see me with Hope and believe it’s what I want.
    Looking at Hope everyday makes me believe I could but then I remember where I came from, what blood runs through my veins, and the thought disappears within a second.
    It’s no secret my parents were shitty ones that never loved us but at some point they had to have loved each other. That’s why I’ll never fall in love. I’ll never let anyone turn me into what my parents turned each other into. Somewhere along the line they broke each other, or maybe they were always like that.
    I’m still unclear why my mom even had us. She cleared off the second she could, leaving us with that monster. A part of me prays that I’ll never end up like them but as they say, ‘an apple never falls far from the tree’.
    “Hey, do you know where my iPod is? I want to go for a run,’’ Maverick asks when I walk in a few seconds later.
    I look around the spotless room before turning to him tiredly and saying, “Ask Joan.’’ I don’t stick around and choose to ignore his cursing as I make my way upstairs to bed. I fall down face first and fall to sleep.
    *** *** *** ***
    “We’re not having a joint stag party,’’ I yell at Harlow.
    “Why? It would

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