Revenant's Kiss (Chronicles of the Afterlife)

Revenant's Kiss (Chronicles of the Afterlife) by Joyce Robles Page B

Book: Revenant's Kiss (Chronicles of the Afterlife) by Joyce Robles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Robles
couldn’t see him anywhere. "Son of a bitch," she kept her
sights aimed for him but he was just simply gone.
    ‘Get out of there right now.’
    "I’m not finished yet," she claimed, though she was entirely convinced herself that there might
not be a way to stop the monster at this point. She didn’t give up easily, and if there was even the
slightest chance that she could finish this here and now then she would. She leaned into the bricks of
the roof and looked down. She barely had time to scream let alone react but she managed to toss
herself away from the mangled arm that swung at her as she’d leaned over. He’d been hanging there,
maybe he was waiting for her to do what she had, or maybe he was just a blithering idiot. Jennifer
rushed back to where she’d been, leaned so that she could aim at her target and took the shot. The
moron hadn’t moved, her shot hit the shoulder that Manson had disabled earlier and the freak of nature
fell away from the building. She knew now that the Remington was empty, she didn’t bother reloading.
She slung the shotgun, pulled the Beretta from her hip, popped out the useless mag and slapped in a
fresh one. Before she was done screams had erupted from underneath her, she was still debating
whether she should risk taking a shot from up here when he randomly snatched a passerby and with
little effort slithered down a gutter with the body in tow. "What the hell!"
    ‘You need to go. Now!’
    Jennifer looked down in time to see a uniformed officer pointing his pistol up at her like she was
the bad guy. "Just my luck," she didn’t bother to pay him any mind she just backed away from the
ledge so that he couldn’t see her. She gave a quick once over of her surroundings, but there didn’t
seem to be anyway down. Now that was nerve raking, she couldn’t stop herself from chewing
nervously on her lower lip. No way down, no way out, very inconvenient all around if you asked her.
Why the hell did a building have a roof if there was no way to get on it in the first place.
    ‘Ready to jump again?’
    "You’re crazy, I’d never make it back over there. I’d be better off to just let the cops take me
                 ‘I doubt it.’
                 "I didn’t ask now did I," Jennifer stubbornly looked around again, nothing. She couldn’t make
that jump again, she’d almost burst into tears when she’d almost fallen the first time. If there was a
second time she was pretty positive that there wouldn’t be any whimpering, only falling. She took a
deep breath and worked her way to the end of the building where a cop wasn’t aiming a gun at her and
looked down. The window just below her was open, a few feet or less and who knew, maybe she’d
make it.
    ‘Maybe you wouldn’t.’
    "You can go fuck yourself for all I care, this is better than trying that jump again."
    ‘Dually noted, my most sincere apologies.’
                 "Yeah right," it took her a second to decide but she finally re-holstered the Beretta and slipped
off the ledge and down to the windowsill. She wasn’t very good at breaking and entering, at least not
in the sense that she was actually sneaking in. She could kick down doors and raid peoples homes, no
problem, this was different, harder. You couldn’t make any noise, at least try not to, or you’d get
caught. She moved quickly because she knew that her right arm wouldn’t hold her up for much longer
than a few seconds. It had been naive of her not to have it checked before she’d gone looking for this
bastard again.
    With a firm grip on the windowsill she slid into the window with ease. She was glad to know
that even injured she still managed to hold onto some of her stamina. She didn’t draw the Beretta, just
rushed for the nearest exit and ran from the building. No cops caught her, so for now she’d walk away
without the hassle. That was the good news, the bad news was that the monster was still out

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