Reykjavik Nights

Reykjavik Nights by Arnaldur Indridason Page B

Book: Reykjavik Nights by Arnaldur Indridason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arnaldur Indridason
still up.’
    â€˜The broadcast went on quite late that evening,’ said Ellert. ‘Probably saved his life.’ His eyes flickered back to the box.
    â€˜I smelt burning,’ elaborated Vignir. ‘Looked out of the window, only to see smoke coming from the basement. We ran out and by then flames were blazing up inside the door. Fortunately, though, the fire hadn’t caught hold, so we were able to put it out. Ellert burnt his hand.’
    â€˜It was nothing serious,’ said Ellert. ‘We pulled Hannibal out. He was coughing his guts up but was all right apart from that.’
    â€˜Did he know how it started?’
    â€˜We never got a chance to ask,’ said Vignir. ‘He just staggered away as if it had nothing to do with him. Don’t know if he ever came back after that.’
    â€˜He was pissed,’ said Ellert with conviction.
    â€˜Smashed out of his skull,’ confirmed his brother.
    â€˜And you didn’t call the fire brigade?’
    â€˜What for? The fire was out. And the damage wasn’t that bad. We rang Frímann, and he came over but didn’t call the police or anything. Just said it was an unfortunate accident. Immediately assumed it was Hannibal’s fault. Must have banned him from ever coming back.’
    â€˜The couple who lived upstairs were out,’ prompted Erlendur.
    â€˜Yes, apparently.’
    â€˜So you believe Hannibal somehow kicked a candle over and that’s how the fire started.’
    â€˜Well, we found a stub by the door in a load of rubbish, cardboard and so on’ said Ellert. ‘So it seemed a likely explanation.’
    â€˜Were you aware of Hannibal using candles down there?’
    â€˜How would I know?’ said Ellert. ‘I never went inside. Like I said, I didn’t know the guy.’
    â€˜Neither did I,’ said Vignir.
    â€˜Did it occur to you that someone might have started the fire deliberately – to harm Hannibal?’
    â€˜Well, if they did, they’d only have had to reach inside the door,’ said Ellert, becoming restless now that the nature programme was finishing and Ironside was on next.
    â€˜Who knew he lived there?’
    â€˜Haven’t a clue,’ said Ellert. ‘No one ever came to see him. At least, not that we were aware of.’
    A popular furniture advertisement came on and the brothers were instantly transfixed. A woman’s hand caressed a plastic tabletop. ‘Is this marble?’ the voiceover asked. ‘No, Formica,’ came the cooing reply. Cupboard doors were opened. ‘Is this hardwood?’ ‘No, Formica.’
    â€˜But Hannibal was afraid of fire,’ objected Erlendur. ‘I know he was scared to use candles because he was terrified of exactly that kind of accident. I don’t believe he’d have lit a candle, let alone knocked one over, drunk or sober.’
    â€˜Oh?’ grunted Vignir distractedly.
    â€˜It’s starting,’ said Ellert, gesturing at the screen.
    The brothers gave it their undivided attention.
    â€˜So you never fell out with Hannibal?’
    â€˜About what?’
    â€˜About anything he was up to. Or you were up to, for that matter.’
    â€˜No.’ Vignir turned to look at him. ‘What are you implying?’
    Erlendur hesitated, uncertain how far he should go in making accusations based only on hearsay. Besides, he was there in a private capacity and needed to tread carefully; he didn’t know how to play this, had no experience of detective work. To the brothers he was nothing more than an annoying bloke butting in on their quiet night at home.
    â€˜I’ve heard he blamed you for the fire,’ he said at last.
    â€˜That’s a lie,’ retorted Ellert.
    â€˜Bollocks,’ snorted his brother.
    â€˜That he had something on you that –’
    â€˜What do you mean? He had nothing on us,’ said Ellert. ‘Look, we didn’t even know the

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