Reykjavik Nights

Reykjavik Nights by Arnaldur Indridason

Book: Reykjavik Nights by Arnaldur Indridason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arnaldur Indridason
brothers who lived next door. He insisted they’d started the fire and then blamed it on him.’
    Erlendur thought of the couple who had lived upstairs from Hannibal. They had heard the same story: that the brothers were behind the arson.
    â€˜Reckon you could go to the chemist for me?’ Bergmundur persevered.
    â€˜Why would they have wanted to burn down the cellar? Did Hannibal have any idea?’
    â€˜A few bottles and we’ll be quits. Five’ll do.’
    â€˜Quits? I don’t owe you anything.’
    â€˜Yeah, well, have it your way.’ Bergmundur made as if to leave. ‘I can’t be doing with this. You’ll just have to find some other sucker to answer your questions.’
    â€˜All right, all right,’ said Erlendur impatiently. ‘I’ll go to the chemist for you. Keep your hair on.’
    â€˜They wanted to get rid of him. Used to complain about him to the owner, who was a friend of Hannibal’s and let him sleep there. The brothers wanted him gone. According to Hannibal, anyway. He said he never even dared keep matches down there. Too scared. The brothers set fire to some junk by the door while he was asleep, then pretended they’d saved the day. They wanted Hannibal thrown out there and then, so the owner gave him his marching orders.’
    â€˜Did he have any proof of this?’
    â€˜Proof! What are you talking about? Proof?’
    â€˜I mean –’
    â€˜Hannibal was sure,’ said Bergmundur firmly. ‘There was no one else in the picture. You think he went out and bought a magnifying glass? Hunted for clues like a bloody detective?’
    â€˜When did he tell you this?’
    â€˜Shortly before he died. We were sat up here by the Tin. Hannibal was positive. I reckon they were out to get him and succeeded in the end. Wouldn’t surprise me.’
    â€˜Drowned him, you mean?’
    â€˜Wouldn’t surprise me. He said they were ugly customers.’
    â€˜Ã“lafur believed Hannibal had been deliberately drowned.’
    â€˜There you are, then.’
    â€˜But that’s all he knew. Why would they have wanted Hannibal dead?’
    â€˜Because he knew they were behind the fire?’ Bergmundur suggested. ‘Search me. Maybe he had something else on them.’
    â€˜You mean they wanted to silence him?’
    â€˜Of course, why not? It’s not unheard of. Hannibal had something on them, so they bumped him off.’
    The rumble of traffic carried to them from below. Erlendur gazed out over the harbour and beyond to Faxaflói Bay, where the Akranes ferry was coming in to shore.
    â€˜Wouldn’t you rather I just bought you some brennivín? ’ he asked, reluctant to go to the chemist for the man.
    â€˜No,’ said Bergmundur after a moment’s consideration. ‘Make it meths.’
    A few minutes later Erlendur found himself on Laugavegur in Bergmundur’s company, headed for the nearest chemist’s. On the way he tried to come up with an excuse for purchasing a bulk order of methylated spirits that would not arouse suspicion. While Bergmundur waited outside, he hurried in and asked for five bottles of the stuff. The sales assistant hesitated before fetching them, and watched with a censorious expression as he counted out the coins. Erlendur was sure she had him down as recently lapsed.

    The brothers who used to live next door to Hannibal had found themselves more salubrious accommodation on Fálkagata. Erlendur had obtained their names from Frímann. He decided to pay them a visit the day after his meeting with Bergmundur, combining it with a stroll along Ægisída, on the city’s western shore, to enjoy the salty evening air. Since his plan was to drop by unannounced, he thought he stood the best chance of catching them directly after supper. He was right. When he arrived they had just settled down to watch the news. Ellert and Vignir were both around forty,

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