Rhyannon Byrd - Primal Instinct 05

Rhyannon Byrd - Primal Instinct 05 by Touch of Surrender

Book: Rhyannon Byrd - Primal Instinct 05 by Touch of Surrender Read Free Book Online
Authors: Touch of Surrender
working with Westmore and the
    She lifted her brows. “And the officer talked?”
    Kierland nodded. “Seth’s not sure how much this guy
knows, but he thinks he might be able to get more out of him. From what the
officer’s said so far, it seems he was never all that keen on working with the
monsters.” He took a sip of his coffee, and tried like hell to ignore how good
she smelled as he went on. “I guess the guy’s already told them there’s a rumor
spreading that the Generals are having second thoughts about the deal they made
with Westmore. Some of the soldiers are even threatening to revolt, since they
don’t like the way things are going down.”
    “Has he told Seth’s men where Westmore’s compound is?”
she asked. “Or anything about Chloe?”
    “If the guy knows, he hasn’t shared anything.” He
leaned forward and braced his crossed arms on the table. “But like I said, Seth
is hoping he can get some more out of him when he gets there.”
    After the waitress came and took their breakfast
orders, Morgan turned her head, staring out the café’s front window. “I can’t
believe we’re actually sitting here, having breakfast together.” Her voice was tight,
strained. “It’s so surreal.”
    “If you’re ready to run, Morgan, then go ahead. It’s
probably the smartest thing you could do. Just try to give me the loc—”
    “You’re not going to talk me out of going,” she
muttered, cutting him off. “So you might as well give up, Kierland.”
    They sat there in heavy silence for a few minutes—her
staring out the window, Kierland staring at her—until the waitress came back
with Morgan’s coffee and then their food. As he ate his omelet, Kierland found
himself torn between frustration over the fact that she either wouldn’t, or
couldn’t, give him Kellan’s location…and the unwanted reaction of his beast.
The bastard was all but howling with satisfaction, eager for this chance to
spend time with her, thinking that Kierland’s willpower would eventually
crumble and he’d finally give the animal what it wanted. Which was a taste of
this one exasperating, complicated, thoroughly delectable woman.
    “About last night,” he murmured, just to see how she
would react. And he wasn’t disappointed.
    Morgan’s face turned bright red, her cheekbones
darkening with color, and Kierland found himself wanting to drag his mouth
along that warm, smooth skin, just so he could taste the heat of her blood
blooming beneath its surface.
    “Not. A. Word.” Keeping her gaze locked on her plate,
she forced out each word with slow, careful precision, as if she was afraid he
wouldn’t get the point.
    Kierland pushed his empty plate aside and braced his
arms on the table again. Quietly, he asked, “So we’re just going to pretend
that nothing happened in that bathroom?”
    Her nostrils flared. “You bet your ass we are.”
    He didn’t know why her refusal made him so angry, but
it did. “Damn it, Morgan. That’s not going to solve any—”
    “I don’t care if it solves anything or not,” she
snapped, gripping her fork so tightly he was surprised it didn’t snap in two.
“Please, just leave it.”
    The waitress returned at that moment to refill Kierland’s
coffee cup, and he was forced to sit there, seething with frustration, while
Morgan chatted with the woman about the hotel and the city. Then, the instant
the waitress had walked away again, she asked, “Are we still dropping by
Gideon’s apartment this morning?”
    “Yeah,” he replied, deciding to let her get away with
the evasion. For the moment. “That’s the plan.”
    She took her last bite of scrambled egg and picked up
her coffee. “Have you tried calling him?”
    He nodded as he leaned back in his chair. “His phone
is switched off. Knowing the vamp, he’s probably sprawled in bed somewhere with
a horde of women. We might very well have to track him down, but his apartment
will be the best place to

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