Risk of Exposure (Alpha Ops Book 6)

Risk of Exposure (Alpha Ops Book 6) by Emmy Curtis Page B

Book: Risk of Exposure (Alpha Ops Book 6) by Emmy Curtis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emmy Curtis
battle to the death.
    He splayed his hands over her breasts, pulling her nipples between his fingers as she rode him. The twin sensations joined the anger and desire in a rush of lightning inside her. Her orgasm rose sharply, without warning, and crashed through her, taking him with her.
    He pulled her hips down on his as he came in a spasm.
    She jumped off him almost before he’d finished and collapsed at his side. “Bastard,” she said between breaths.
    “Bitch,” he replied with an audible, annoying grin.

    T hree hours after she’d screwed him—a very hot screwing, at that—he’d woken from a light sleep to see the snow had stopped falling. He rose up on one elbow and saw Abby was still asleep. She looked like an innocent angel. He scoffed silently at that. Yeah, right.
    He could just lie back down and go back to sleep. Clearly she wouldn’t know any different. It wasn’t his job to wake her so she could stop World War III—so she said. He lay back down, wrestling with his conscience. He wanted her out of his hair. No one made him admit he had a conscience, not without suffering the consequences.
    He toyed with doing what he would usually. Fulfill the terms of his job and leave. He had indeed assured her safety—she’d proved amply that she could look after herself. But as she had said, he couldn’t prove that unless she blew her cover with her father. Although he was pretty sure that covert operators were allowed to read-in their parents or spouses if they wanted to.
    For a second he wondered if Baston already knew what his daughter did. But if that was the case, he wouldn’t have wasted his resources making sure she was okay. Bollocks. He hated being against a rock and a hard dick. Hard place . Shit, his dick definitely was responding to her presence even if his mind was on her duplicity. Or maybe her little blackmailing soul was speaking to him. Maybe he liked being manipulated in such a blatant way.
    He reached for her.
    “You can stop right there.” Her voice startled him. He dropped his arm to the covers.
    “I was just going to shake you awake. You’ve been snoring like a bear,” he said, swinging his legs out of bed.
    She ignored his insult, such as it was. “You were supposed to wake me when it stopped snowing,” she said, also climbing out of bed and seemingly not caring a whit that she was totally naked.
    He sat still, taking in the sight. Her nipples puckering in the frigid air, her tight muscles moving in glorious efficiency. “It was your watch. Technically you should have woken me.”
    “Don’t you forget it, love.” He stood and got dressed, having dug out his Under Armour thermals from the kit bag he’d brought.
    She poked her head around the bathroom door. “What? Don’t forget what?”
    “That I’m an ass. You’ve blackmailed me into helping you, and someone as well trained as you knows that isn’t a recipe for success.” He finished tying his laces.
    She shrugged. “I trust you.”
    “You shouldn’t. I have a healthy regard for self-preservation and even I don’t know what I’ll do if you get in the way of that. So you’re much better off not trusting me for anything. Just a friendly PSA.” He knew he sounded like a dick, but he just couldn’t help himself.
    “I’m not worried. If you piss me off, or if you’re in the way of my self-preservation”—she punctuated with air quotes—“or my mission, I won’t hesitate to shoot you.” She disappeared again.
    “There’s one problem with that, love. I’ve got your gun.”
    She didn’t reply, but he heard the unmistakable sound of a shotgun being charged. “Fair enough,” he said, trying not to smile at her resourcefulness. “What else have you got in there?”
    “Hairspray,” she said.
    “Awesome.” She was such a smart-arse. His sister would love her. He made a mental note that no matter what, they would never, ever meet. Ever.
    She came out of the bathroom as if she’d

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