Road to Recovery
quickly, “I’m not saying I’m expecting a
commitment tonight. I’m just saying that I don’t do casual. So if
it’s in your mind to have one of those open dating relationships,
then I’ll say right now it won’t work. Being colleagues is our only
    “ Good to know,” he stated,
then softened his tone. “And for the record, when I’m pursuing one
woman, I don’t pursue another. For one, it’s too much work. For
another, I have too much respect for myself—and for you—to play
those types of games.”
    She let out a breath, then nodded. “OK,
we’re on the same page there. We all have baggage, I’m sure. But
I’m admitting upfront that I have it. No need to go into it now. If
or when it becomes an issue, we will take it as it
    She stopped, looked down to fiddle with
her jeans. “I’m working through it on my own, and I have a good
handle on things. But I can’t make any promises.” He watched her
try to force a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’ll
promise to always be honest. It’s important to me.”
    Lucas knew at that moment the wrong
answer would end any chance they had. He was going to be honest. He
knew no other way. “Did you wonder why I didn’t go into private
practice? I’m sure you’ve heard by now that my family, my brother
and father, are defense attorneys?”
    Watching her nod, he continued on.
“Well, I couldn’t do it. I guess you could say I don’t have the
hard edge they do. They look at their clients and try to see how
the law can help them whether they are guilty or not. Even with
something as simple as a speeding ticket, my take is you went over
the speed limit, you’re guilty to me. Pay your fine and move on.
Don’t try to get out of it. I know it’s unrealistic to think that
way, but I can’t help it.”
    He paused, watching as she listened. “I
live my life by a code of my own. I try to be fair, and try to do
what’s right, try to help others. Everyone needs help now and
again, even if they don’t think they do. And isn’t it a nice
feeling to know that someone would be there to give it to them?
Pretty simple in the scheme of things. Too bad we don’t all live
that way.”
    He saw her smile of understanding. “I
want to do what’s right, in my job and in my life. Unfortunately,
I’m not perfect. So I make mistakes. We all do. But I always try to
do what’s right. I guess that’s what’s important.”
    Staring deep into her eyes, he sat up
straighter, edged closer to her on the couch. Reaching down, he
pulled her hand into his, threaded his fingers through hers, and
felt her shiver as he rubbed his thumb along the inside of her
palm. “I want you to know that’s who I am. No games, no lying, or
    Reaching out with his other hand, he
slid it across her cheek, into the silky texture of her hair, and
spread his fingers down her neck. Caressed the pulse that leapt
under his thumb. Pulling her head toward him, he closed the gap and
whispered against her lips, “Are we done going through your list
now? I can’t wait any longer to taste you.”
    Lucas felt the slight nod of her head
in his hand and he pressed his lips to hers, softly at first. He
applied just enough pressure to taste, but not enough that she
couldn’t escape if she felt the need. Hearing the soft moan, he
knew escape was the last thing on her mind.
    His tongue slid out to lightly trace
her upper lip, urging her to open for him, to allow him entrance.
Once she parted her lips, he slid his tongue in search of hers,
sought the taste he so desperately craved. Together in a dance of
their own, their tongues explored, then departed, only to return
again. Filling a need, trying to quench a thirst they both
    Releasing his other hand from hers, he
slid it over her waist, slowly up her ribcage, then back down
again. Stroked her through the softness of her shirt, as their
tongues continued their dance.
    His fingers made their way back up her

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