Robert Asprin's Dragons Run

Robert Asprin's Dragons Run by Jody Lynn Nye

Book: Robert Asprin's Dragons Run by Jody Lynn Nye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jody Lynn Nye
my own time on it, I already know that.”
    Jerome put his hand on his chest. “Who, me? You’re the big boss man. You make the rules.”
    “If I want other people to follow them, I had better do it, too. I get that.”
    Fox Lisa looked at her watch. “It’s late. I better get Penny out of here. She has an interview on television tomorrow morning. They want us there about six thirty.”
    Griffen stood up and pulled back her chair.
    “I’ll drive you home. I have Brenda’s car.”
    She smiled up at him.
    “Thanks, but I have one of the cars from the campaign. A Lincoln.”
    Griffen raised his eyebrows. “I’m impressed.”
    Fox Lisa tossed her red ponytail. “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll take you for a ride in it sometime. This is the real thing, Griffen. Penny’s a good bet to make the nomination. All kinds of people are throwing money at us. Do you think that’s why Penny’s being threatened?”
    “It’s got to be power, hate, or fear,” Griffen said. He knew he was hedging. “Those are the classic reasons.”
    “Penny is the nicest person! I can’t imagine who could be so mean!”
    “Neither could I,” Griffen said. “Do you want me to walk you out?”
    “No need.” Fox Lisa pulled his head down and kissed him soundly on the lips. “I’m warned. That’s all you needed to do. You delegate. Not everything has to be you.”
    She sidled up to Penny and whispered in her ear. Penny nodded. Fox Lisa slipped out into the night. Penny waited until she was out of sight and beckoned him over. Griffen slid into an empty chair at their table.
    “That was very diplomatic of you,” she said, a glint in her eyes.
    “What was?” Griffen asked.
    “You managed to tell her to watch out for me without telling her more than she needed to know. I’m grateful.”
    “Happy to help,” Griffen said.
    Penny smiled. “I’m so happy to hear you say that! Because I am going to need all the help I can get in the coming months. Can I speak to you sometime tomorrow afternoon? I want to make use of your special skills.”
    Griffen enjoyed flattery as much as anyone else he knew, but it sounded to him like the run-up to a favor. A large favor. “May I ask what it is you need?”
    Penny put a hand on his arm. “Let’s not talk about it tonight. I am absolutely talked out. Malcolm, thank you. Will you tell our other friends I am grateful for all their support?”
    “Of course,” Griffen’s uncle said. “I am to assure you that they are all in this for the long term.”
    Penny smiled. “So am I,” she said. She leaned back and blew a smoke ring. “No matter what. I don’t plan to let anything get in my way.”
    A car horn honked.
    “There’s my ride.” She smiled. “So very nice to meet you both.”
    Griffen and Malcolm stood as Penny shouldered her gold-brocaded designer purse and went out into the night. Griffen thought her walk was halfway between a stride and a sashay, sexy but with power. They sat down. Malcolm looked toward the other table and gestured subtly. Jerome joined them.
    Griffen looked from one to the other. There was some history there, but it was obvious neither one was planning to enlighten him then.
    “What do you think of her?” Malcolm asked them.
    Griffen eyed his uncle. “Why didn’t you tell me she was a dragon, too?”
    Malcolm looked sour. “How did you know?”
    “I’m starting to get a feel for when someone has dragon blood,” Griffen said. “But the real giveaway was when she blew a smoke ring just now without taking a puff of her cigarette first.”
    Malcolm’s eyes were hooded. “Then she meant you to know. It is not common knowledge outside certain circles.”
    “Does D— Does
    From outside, a car horn started honking frantically. The roar of a powerful engine all but drowned it out. Griffen was on his feet before he knew it. He ran outside, Jerome and the rest of the bar on his heels. He was just in time to see a city

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